The Tisch Cancer Institute


The TCI has a general membership category and a category for Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) membership.  CCSG members must have research that fits into themes established by one of the four NCI-supported research programs [Cancer Immunology (CI), Cancer Mechanisms (CM), Cancer Clinical Investigation (CCI), and Cancer Prevention & Control (CPC)] and meet at least one of the below criteria:

Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) Members

Doctoral level, full or part‐time faculty* are eligible to apply for CCSG membership. Must also fulfill at least one of the criteria below:

  1. Conduct independent peer‐reviewed** funded cancer research that is programmatically‐aligned
  2. PI of a programmatically‐aligned investigator‐initiated clinical trial
  3. Hold a key role in a national cooperative group that is programmatically‐aligned
  4. PI of NIH training grants that support the development and implementation of cancer‐related predoctoral/postdoctoral programs
  5. Serve in a leadership role within the Cancer Center Support Grant
  6. Head a Cancer Center Support Grant shared resource facility or Cancer Institute‐supported research facility
  7. Significant and independent research contribution to a CCSG program
  8. Newly recruited faculty in a start‐up period (Up to 5 years) with strong research interests that fit within a CCSG program

* Assistant professor level or above; investigator or clinician/educator track only

**NCI‐approved peer‐review agency or organization: 

General Members

General members are interested in helping the mission of the Cancer Institute and have research or clinical practices that are related to cancer. They may be key institutional leaders who advise the Institute about matters affecting the Institute or scientists who are affiliated with other organizations with outstanding achievements in cancer research, and who are consulting with the Institute.