Data and Research Core

The Data and Research Core investigates and addresses how biological, social, financial, neighborhood, and health care factors have contributed to poor health outcomes for racial, ethnic, and gender minorities, as well as socioeconomically- and physically-disadvantaged groups, across a wide range of diseases and conditions.

Interventions to Eliminate Disparities

Many factors determine how long and how well people live. The Institute for Health Equity Research (IHER) is shattering the traditional silos researchers operate in to elucidate reasons for, and address, disparities. By building, using, and sharing user-friendly and reliable datasets, we are learning and addressing how these factors influence health.

Transforming Clinical Trials to Address Disparities

Too often, the populations most impacted by poor health are not included either as intellectual partners in, or as participants of, interventions to improve health. IHER is changing that. We are leading several national and international efforts in which diverse community members and advocates help select interventions that address root causes of disparities. With community, industry, and academic leaders and funders, we are ensuring the populations we enroll in studies are fully representative populations.