Program Structure

Master of Science in Bioethics – Collaborative Program with Clarkson University

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) in collaboration with Clarkson University offers a joint Masters of Science in Bioethics. This program is taught primarily on-line by distance learning which makes it flexible and compatible with most trainees’ scheduling needs. The program involves some face-to-face education, beginning with a nine day summer pro-seminar and including a week long clinical practicum entirely at ISMMS and a week-long capstone seminar. The Bioethics Program provides competency-based and skills-based education in clinical ethics, research ethics and bioethics policy and addresses topics such as refusal of treatment, transplant organ allocation, end-of-life care, physician aid-in-dying, the use of animals in research, and health policy issues related to justice and health improvement issues like obesity and smoking.

The Program is designed to enhance the career and educational opportunities of students from a broad range of background. Students in the program are physicians, lawyers, nurses and academics currently working in healthcare, research oversight, and health policy. Others are post-baccalaureate students who want to expand their understanding of bioethics before entering a professional degree program.

The program allows students to choose a specialization in clinical ethics, research ethics, or health policy. The curricula for these programs are designed to provide both theoretical understanding of key issues and practical skill for working as an ethicist in a clinical setting. The skills training incorporates the use of standardized patients (i.e., actors). A four-course Certificate in Clinical Ethics is also offered.

Elective Courses

Each year, The Bioethics Program at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai offers a number of elective courses through our several graduate degree programs to enhance those programs and to provide opportunities for interested students to expand their understanding of issues in bioethics. These courses which are cross-listed at The Graduate Center, CUNY, are unique in that medical students and graduate students from the humanities and social sciences study together in classes that are team-taught by a philosopher from The Graduate Center and a Mount Sinai clinician.