Residents, Students, and Observers

In addition to the Transplant Surgery Fellowship at The Mount Sinai Hospital, educational opportunities exist within RMTI for residents, students and observers such as the Transplant Nephrology Fellowship and the Transplant Hepatology Fellowship.

Lecture Series

The Transplant Lecture Series is held in the RMTI boardroom, room 4-82. every Friday from 12 PM to 1 PM. These lectures are conducted by our own RMTI researchers. The target audiences for these talks are transplant, nephrology, and hepatology fellows; RMTI physicians, surgeons and coordinators; physician assistants and nurse practitioners. Transplant Surgery fellows are expected to present once per year.

RMTI Fellowship Calendar

Visiting Students

Students from US Medical Schools



Students from Foreign Medical Schools



First Day

After registration (as described in your Acceptance letter) the Registrar’s Office will send you to RMTI to meet with the Education Coordinator to review scheduled meetings/trainings:

  • OR Procedures training (for foreign visiting students only)
  • TDS training (for visiting students from US medical schools only)
  • Meet with the fellow in charge of the transplant service for which you’ve been assigned

Before you Leave

  • At the start of your last week here, you will receive a Program Evaluation form from the Education Coordinator. Complete this form and bring to your exit interview with the RMTI Director.
  • To facilitate your evaluation, e-mail the Education Coordinator a list of the conferences and didactic activities that you attended and 2-3 people you have worked with closely.
  • You will receive a reference letter once the evaluations have been received; if there is a specific form your school requires, please send to the Education Coordinator.

Foreign National Observership Program

Priority is given to Fellows and Residents currently participating in a training program. Observerships will not exceed 30 days. Please contact the RMTI Education Coordinator to request an application form. Inquiries should be made 6-8 months in advance.

Do not contact the Program Director or Faculty with inquiries.

Application Process

In addition to the Application form, the following needs to be submitted for consideration:

  • Curriculum Vitae (Résumé)
  • Personal statement outlining your career goals and how a Transplant Observership will help you achieve those goals (max. 500 words)
  • Medical Diploma (Translated into English if degree is written in a Foreign Language)
  • Medical License (Translated into English if license is written in a Foreign Language)
  • If Medical Student, Observer should submit a letter from home institution indicating that Observer is in good standing (written by a faculty member).
    Note: Applicants must be enrolled in at least an undergraduate program
  • If Faculty member, Observer should submit an employment verification letter confirming that Observer is in good standing (this may be provided in lieu of a medical diploma)
  • Letter of recommendation (this must be provided by a director or manager with whom the Observer has or is currently working with closely)
  • Employee Health Services form completed by personal physician to include PPD, etc.
  • PPD results - should be within 3 months of coming to Mount Sinai
  • MMR titers - should be within 5 years of coming to Mount Sinai
  • Toxicology Clearance — applies if participation will exceed 30 days
  • Copy of Biographical page from Passport.
    Note: passport must be valid beyond 6 months
  • Copy of Visa (If the Observer has it in their passport – Visa Waiver participants and Canadians are visa exempt)

Application Deadline

A completed application must be received no later than 3 months before requested start date. Applications are reviewed once a month.

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