1. Research Opportunities
doctor waving hand

Scholarly Year

At the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, we want our physicians in training to be lifelong learners, growing and adapting as medicine evolves. This approach provides the highest quality medical care for patients, but also serves as an intellectually fulfilling experience for our students.

Medical students have many opportunities to enrich their education, yet the demands of required coursework and clinical responsibilities can limit choices. This is why nearly a third of each class elects to spend a full year carrying out a scholarly project.

Students who choose a scholarly year can take it in a variety of settings; we encourage both scientific and humanities-based projects, as they have a direct connection to health care and the communities we serve. Students may choose a research project to obtain mentorship or one-on-one research training, through which they learn more about a specialty area while building up their research portfolio.

To take advantage of the Scholarly Year, students need to be in good academic standing, have completed their third year, and be committed to spending a year on their project. Scholarly projects may be conducted at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai or another approved site.

Exploring a Scholarly Year

If you are considering a Scholarly Year, begin by meeting with Dr. Mary Rojas, the Director of the Medical Student Research Office (MSRO) to discuss your plans and review the materials available at Scholarly Year (sharepoint.com).

Medical Education Program

73 Questions with a Dean | Rainier Soriano, MD
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