Instruments and Services

The Microscopy and Advanced Bioimaging CoRE is a shared resource facility providing access to widefield, laser scanning confocal, spinning disk confocal, multi-photon, light-sheet, and super-resolution microscopes, along with transmission electron microscopes. The facility also houses high-end image processing workstations for image analysis and quantification, providing access to several commercial software programs.  More details about the microscope can be found below.  


Widefield Microscopes 

Zeiss Axio Imager.Z2 (2x) with motorized XYZ movement 

Leica DMi8 for live-cell microscopy 

Olympus MVX10 macroscope 

Zeiss Axioplan 2ie for polarized light microscopy 

Olympus IX71 for simple screening 

Confocal Microscopes

Super-resolution: Leica TCS SP8 with STED 3x and White Light Laser 

Super-resolution: Zeiss LSM 880 Airyscan with 32-linear spectral GaAsP array + 2 PMTs and the Airyscan detector  

Super-resolution: Zeiss LSM 980 Airyscan with 32-linear spectral GaAsP array + 2 PMTs + 2 NIR GaAsP detectors and the Airyscan detector 

Leica Stellaris 8 with White Light Laser and 4 spectral Power HyD detectors 

Leica TCS SP8 with spectral detector 

Zeiss LSM 780 with 34-channel spectral detector 

Yokogawa Spinning Disk, built on Zeiss Axio Observer.Z1 

Multiphoton Microscopes

Olympus FVMPE-RS-with Dual Line Insight X3 laser 

Olympus FV1000 with Coherent Chameleon Vision II laser  

Lightsheet Microscope

LaVision Biotec UltraMicroscope II (zoom and infinity optics available) 

High-Content Screener 

ThermoFisher CX7 LZR 

Transmission Electron Microscope

Hitachi 7500  

Hitachi 7700 

Light Microscopy Applications

Whole organ/organism live/fixed imaging

Whole organ/organism fluorescence imaging

Super-resolution confocal imaging

Spectral unmixing for multiplexed samples

High-resolution widefield with deconvolution processing available

Fast, high-resolution live-cell imaging with Yokogawa Spinning Disk


High-content imaging

Optogenetics and electrophysiology

Intra-vital imaging