Chapter V: Research Environment

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is authorized to review ethical considerations in the conduct of research. This committee is sanctioned by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) of the Public Health Service to review, require modifications in, and approve research proposals involving animals. IACUC reviews the proper use of animals in research to ensure consistency with sound research practices, including the avoidance or minimization of discomfort, distress and pain. Mount Sinai's policies for annual review of all ongoing research protocols are consistent with OLAW requirements and regulations.

A robust administrative infrastructure supports Mount Sinai researchers and ensures that safety considerations, human subject and animal welfare compliance, other regulatory compliance, and availability of staff, facilities, and financial resources are appropriately addressed.  Detailed information is provided on the web-based Research Portal.  Key research administration offices include:

  • The Office of Research Services (ORS) assists investigators and other research personnel in navigating the Mount Sinai research infrastructure and external research agencies,  It offers research orientation to new faculty and staff, advises on regulatory issues and provides tools to facilitate research submissions.
  • The Grants and Contracts Office (GCO) provides pre- and post-award administration of all research activities conducted at Icahn School of Medicine, including traditional research projects, training grants, contracts, clinical trials, career awards, education, and development protocols in both basic and applied disciplines, and regulatory compliance and monitoring.
  • The Institutional Review Board is part of the Program for the Protection of Human Subjects, and ensures that all research proposals are reviewed and approved in accordance with regulatory requirements.
  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee  reviews the proper use of animals in research to ensure consistency with sound research practices.
  • Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research Committee reviews individual and institutional financial interests and manages or eliminates potential conflicts in order to ensure that Mount Sinai research reflects the highest standards of ethical conduct and is free from bias.
  • Sponsored Projects Accounting, a Division of the School Finance Department, manages the post-award administration of grants and contracts received by the School, including establishing accounts, billing, receivables analysis, financial reporting, and account closeout activities, and compliance.
  • Financial Administration of Clinical Trials (FACTS) Office assists investigators and research personnel with the pre-award submission process and the post-award management of industry-funded clinical trials.

 Updated August 2017

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs is a dedicated resource for postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and administrators. The Office seeks to strengthen the postdoctoral experience through such initiatives as: standardizing the appointment process; maintaining a database of current postdoctoral fellows as well as alumni; assisting in training grant applications. The Office offers seminars on responsible conduct in research and workshops on career development.

Mount Sinai Innovation Partners (MSIP)


The mission of Mount Sinai Innovation Partners (MSIP) is to ensure that Mount Sinai discoveries and innovations are translated into healthcare products and services that benefit patients and society.  MSIP facilitates the real life application and commercialization of discoveries and the development or research partnerships.