Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) funds Brain Injury Research Center investigations that contribute to the CDC Injury Center’s mission of promoting public health through research, prevention, and the dissemination of information.

Additionally, the mission of the Mount Sinai Injury Control Research Center (MS-ICRC) is to reduce the impact of traumatic brain injury (TBI), to improve quality of life after injury, and to prevent violence in high-risk populations—with or without the presence of TBI. The MS-ICRC focuses on three main goals. The first is building the knowledge base in the field of brain injury research. The second is developing and evaluating interventions. The third is expanding systematic screening to identify individuals with undiagnosed or untreated TBI, i.e. those who are unaware that their long-term symptoms may be linked to TBI, and who, therefore, fail to seek appropriate treatment or support.

Current Research

Four studies comprise MS-ICRC’s current research program:

  • TBI and Health in Adults
    The Mount Sinai Injury Control Research Center (MS-ICRC) is conducting a preliminary investigation to shape future research on post-TBI health issues associated with accelerated aging and premature death, as observed in many people injured after age 18.

  • Youth Short-Term Executive Plus: Implementing a Cognitive Intervention Among Youth Offenders to Reduce Violence and Recidivism
    MS-IRC is evaluating the impact of a behavioral intervention to reduce violence and recidivism amongst youth, with and without TBI, who are on parole in the state of Texas. This study translates an intervention that the MS-ICRC developed for an adult TBI population for use with adolescents at risk for continuing criminal behavior, including violent tendencies.

  • Texas Juvenile Justice Traumatic Brain Injury Pilot Screening Program
    MS-ICRC is analyzing a database developed by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, to explore the relationship between youth criminality and TBI, focusing on violent offenses.

  • Longitudinal Study of College Athletes’ Success
    MS-ICRC is conducting a longitudinal study of all college athletes at St. John’s University in New York City to document lifetime history of self-reported concussions at time of college admission and prospectively document concussions sustained during college, both on and off the field. Participants are followed yearly to examine the medium- to long-term consequences of concussions, on academic performance, post-college employment, alcohol and substance use, and mood, for example.

Outreach Activities

Mount Sinai Injury Control Research Center engages in three types of outreach activities:

  • Professional Training, Education and Technical Assistance
    This program focuses on building the field of injury prevention practitioners and research by training postdoctoral fellows and predoctoral externs. In addition, MS-ICRC provides educational opportunities for service providers and researchers through webinars, symposia at professional conferences, and invited lectures at medical/educational institutions relevant to our mission. MS-ICRC offers a variety of resources online, such as manuals for several TBI-relevant interventions. Technical assistance is provided upon request to support the adoption and use of products emerging from MS-ICRC activities.

  • Public Outreach
    Through this program, the Mount Sinai Injury Control Research Center (MS-ICRC) shares information through our social media channels and the MS-ICRC website and develop educational products that address challenges of living with TBI.

  • Policy Research and Evaluation
    One or more Policy Think Tanks have been formed to review data relevant to injury prevention policy interventions, i.e., data generated by the MS-ICRC and by others. Our goal is to develop evidence-based recommendations and strategies that MS-ICRC can adopt to address injury prevention priorities.
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