Resident Wellness

Resident wellbeing is strongly emphasized within the Department of Radiology. We strive to make sure that residents are provided with robust training that is safe, balanced, and enjoyable. Additionally, we offer a variety of resources to ensure that our residents continue to feel fulfilled and joyful during their training. Some of our policies and programs include:

  • Wellness curriculum: As a commitment to maintaining and achieving optimal physical health and mental wellbeing, we incorporated a monthly wellness curriculum into our noon conference schedule. This includes activities such as guided meditation sessions. Sinai therapy dog visits, and catered snack and lunch breaks. Additionally, our department participates in the PEERS program (Practice Enhancement, Engagement, Resilence, & Support), a trainee-led, structured, longitudinal program aimed at cultivating well-being, resilience, and community amongsy medical trainiees.  
  • Resident wellness champion: A designated faculty representative will strive to voice residents concerns and act as a liaison with the  Office of Wellbeing and Resilience.
  • Resident health needs: Personal health needs, such as medical and dental care or mental health appointments may arise throughout the academic year. We offer flexible scheduling during work hours for our residents to attend any appointments without retribution.
  • Personal wellness days: Residents receive a minimum of one personal day per quarter and are encouraged to utilize these days on an ongoing basis.
  • Mental health resources: All trainees at Mount Sinai are guaranteed access to confidential mental health services through the Student and Trainee Mental Health Program (STMH) in addition to our supportive intra-departmental environment. In the event that professional help is needed, institutional mental health services are offered through STMH at no out-of-pocket expense.