At the Brain and Body Research Center, we are pioneering a holistic approach to revealing the intricate connections between the brain and body that drive health and disease. As both a neuroscientist and psychiatrist, I have witnessed firsthand how disorders of the mind and brain affect the entire person.

What sets our Center apart is the unparalleled collaborative environment we have established to explore this largely uncharted territory spanning mind and body. We harness world-renowned talent and technology across the Mount Sinai Health System to translate fundamental discoveries from lab to clinic through cutting-edge trials. Our multidisciplinary teams, unified by a collective mission to illuminate brain-body connections, bridge disciplinary divides to achieve scientific breakthroughs that would be impossible in isolation.

I am profoundly energized by the promise of this research to revolutionize medicine and health. By decoding the brain’s conversations with the heart, gut, skin, and beyond, we can develop holistic diagnostics and therapies. I am deeply committed to mentoring brilliant young minds from diverse backgrounds to drive this work forward. The insights we gain have potential to empower patients and providers with new solutions that promote resilience and well-being.

The future of medicine will be shaped by revealing how brain, mind, and body interact to determine wellness. We have only just begun to tap the power of their partnership.

Scott J. Russo, PhD
Director, Brain and Body Research Center
Director, Center for Affective Neuroscience
Professor, Neuroscience, and Psychiatry