Alan C. Seifert, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Radiology, Scientific Imaging Core Director in the Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Institute, and Co-Director of the Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies (AIET) concentration at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
Dr. Seifert is a biomedical engineer with a background in both imaging physics and the medical sciences. He received a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University, completed the preclinical medical school curriculum and a Ph.D. in Bioengineering under the mentorship of Prof. Felix Wehrli at the University of Pennsylvania, and trained as a postdoctoral fellow at Mount Sinai under Profs. Junqian Xu, Priti Balchandani, and Zahi Fayad.
The central theme of his research is to identify biologically relevant magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signals that are particularly challenging to detect, and develop imaging techniques and hardware that can quantify these signals, thus providing new and clinically valuable imaging biomarkers.
Selected Representative Publications
1. Cohen-Adad J, Alonso-Ortiz E, Abramovic M, Arneitz C, Atcheson N, Barlow L, Barry RL, Barth M, Battiston M, Büchel C, Budde M, Callot V, Combes A, De Leener B, Descoteaux M, De Sousa PL, Dostal M, Doyon J, Dvorak A, Eippert F, Epperson KR, Epperson KS, Freund P, Finsterbusch J, Foias A, Fratini M, Fukunaga I, Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott CAM, Germani G, Gilbert G, Giove F, Gros C, Grussu F, Hagiwara A, Henry P-G, Horák T, Hori M, Joers J, Kamiya K, Karbasforoushan H, Kerkovsky M, Khatibi A, Kim J-W, Kinany N, Kitzler HH, Kolind S, Kong Y, Kudlička P, Kuntke P, Kurniawan ND, Kusmia S, Labounek R, Laganà MM, Laule C, Law CS, Lenglet C, Leutritz T, Liu Y, Llufriu S, Mackey S, Martinez-Heras E, Mattera L, Nestrasil I, O’Grady KP, Papinutto N, Papp D, Pareto D, Parrish TB, Pichiecchio A, Prados F, Rovira À, Ruitenberg MJ, Samson RS, Savini G, Seif M, Seifert AC, Smith AK, Smith SA, Smith ZA, Solana E, Suzuki Y, Tackley G, Tinnermann A, Valošek J, Van De Ville D, Yiannakas MC, Weber II KA, Weiskopf N, Wise RG, Wyss PO, Xu J. Open-access quantitative MRI data of the spinal cord: Reproducibility across subjects, sites and vendors. Accepted for publication in Scientific Data.
2. Alipour A, Seifert AC, Delman B, Adriany G, Balchandani P. Improvement of Brain MRI at 7T Using an Inductively Coupled RF Resonator Array. arXiv:2006.02500, 2020.
3. Seifert AC, Umphlett M, Hefti M, Fowkes M, Xu J. Formalin Tissue Fixation Biases Myelin-Sensitive MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2019;82(4):1504-1517.
4. Kim JW, Andersson JLR, Seifert AC, Sun P, Song SK, Dula C, Naismith RT, Xu J. Incorporating non-linear alignment and multi-compartmental modeling for improved human optic nerve diffusion imaging. NeuroImage, 2019;196:102-113.
5. Seifert AC†, Li C†, Wilhelm MJ, Wehrli SL, Wehrli FW. Towards Quantification of Myelin by Solid-State MRI of the Lipid Matrix Protons. NeuroImage, 2017;163:358-367. †Authors contributed equally.
6. Zhang B†, Seifert AC†, Kim JW, Borrello J, Xu J. 7 Tesla 22-Channel Wrap-Around Coil Array for Cervical Spinal Cord and Brainstem Imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2017;78(4):1623-1634. †Authors contributed equally.
7. Seifert AC, Wehrli FW. Solid-State Quantitative 1H and 31P MRI of Cortical Bone in Humans. Current Osteoporosis Reports, 2016;14(3):77-86.
8. Seifert AC, Li C, Wehrli SL, Wehrli FW. A Surrogate Measure of Cortical Bone Matrix Density by Long T2-Suppressed MRI. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2015;30(12):2229-2238.
9. Seifert AC, Wehrli SL, Wehrli FW. Bi-Component T2* Analysis of Bound and Pore Bone Water Fractions Fails at High Field Strengths. NMR in Biomedicine, 2015;28(7):861-872.
Alan C. Seifert, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Radiology, Scientific Imaging Core Director in the Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Institute, and Co-Director of the Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies (AIET) concentration at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
Dr. Seifert is a biomedical engineer with a background in both imaging physics and the medical sciences. He received a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University, completed the preclinical medical school curriculum and a Ph.D. in Bioengineering under the mentorship of Prof. Felix Wehrli at the University of Pennsylvania, and trained as a postdoctoral fellow at Mount Sinai under Profs. Junqian Xu, Priti Balchandani, and Zahi Fayad.
The central theme of his research is to identify biologically relevant magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signals that are particularly challenging to detect, and develop imaging techniques and hardware that can quantify these signals, thus providing new and clinically valuable imaging biomarkers.
Selected Representative Publications
1. Cohen-Adad J, Alonso-Ortiz E, Abramovic M, Arneitz C, Atcheson N, Barlow L, Barry RL, Barth M, Battiston M, Büchel C, Budde M, Callot V, Combes A, De Leener B, Descoteaux M, De Sousa PL, Dostal M, Doyon J, Dvorak A, Eippert F, Epperson KR, Epperson KS, Freund P, Finsterbusch J, Foias A, Fratini M, Fukunaga I, Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott CAM, Germani G, Gilbert G, Giove F, Gros C, Grussu F, Hagiwara A, Henry P-G, Horák T, Hori M, Joers J, Kamiya K, Karbasforoushan H, Kerkovsky M, Khatibi A, Kim J-W, Kinany N, Kitzler HH, Kolind S, Kong Y, Kudlička P, Kuntke P, Kurniawan ND, Kusmia S, Labounek R, Laganà MM, Laule C, Law CS, Lenglet C, Leutritz T, Liu Y, Llufriu S, Mackey S, Martinez-Heras E, Mattera L, Nestrasil I, O’Grady KP, Papinutto N, Papp D, Pareto D, Parrish TB, Pichiecchio A, Prados F, Rovira À, Ruitenberg MJ, Samson RS, Savini G, Seif M, Seifert AC, Smith AK, Smith SA, Smith ZA, Solana E, Suzuki Y, Tackley G, Tinnermann A, Valošek J, Van De Ville D, Yiannakas MC, Weber II KA, Weiskopf N, Wise RG, Wyss PO, Xu J. Open-access quantitative MRI data of the spinal cord: Reproducibility across subjects, sites and vendors. Accepted for publication in Scientific Data.
2. Alipour A, Seifert AC, Delman B, Adriany G, Balchandani P. Improvement of Brain MRI at 7T Using an Inductively Coupled RF Resonator Array. arXiv:2006.02500, 2020.
3. Seifert AC, Umphlett M, Hefti M, Fowkes M, Xu J. Formalin Tissue Fixation Biases Myelin-Sensitive MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2019;82(4):1504-1517.
4. Kim JW, Andersson JLR, Seifert AC, Sun P, Song SK, Dula C, Naismith RT, Xu J. Incorporating non-linear alignment and multi-compartmental modeling for improved human optic nerve diffusion imaging. NeuroImage, 2019;196:102-113.
5. Seifert AC†, Li C†, Wilhelm MJ, Wehrli SL, Wehrli FW. Towards Quantification of Myelin by Solid-State MRI of the Lipid Matrix Protons. NeuroImage, 2017;163:358-367. †Authors contributed equally.
6. Zhang B†, Seifert AC†, Kim JW, Borrello J, Xu J. 7 Tesla 22-Channel Wrap-Around Coil Array for Cervical Spinal Cord and Brainstem Imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2017;78(4):1623-1634. †Authors contributed equally.
7. Seifert AC, Wehrli FW. Solid-State Quantitative 1H and 31P MRI of Cortical Bone in Humans. Current Osteoporosis Reports, 2016;14(3):77-86.
8. Seifert AC, Li C, Wehrli SL, Wehrli FW. A Surrogate Measure of Cortical Bone Matrix Density by Long T2-Suppressed MRI. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2015;30(12):2229-2238.
9. Seifert AC, Wehrli SL, Wehrli FW. Bi-Component T2* Analysis of Bound and Pore Bone Water Fractions Fails at High Field Strengths. NMR in Biomedicine, 2015;28(7):861-872.