Postdoc Fellows

Postdoctoral fellows are the life force of biomedical research. The neuroscience community at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is proud of the outstanding postdoctoral researchers who drive our basic, translational, and clinical research into better understanding the brain and nervous system and treating neurological and psychiatric disorders. Our postdoctoral fellows, who represent a broad range of approaches and backgrounds, benefit from robust scientific support and comprise a close and collaborative community of scholars.

Funding Opportunities

Icahn Mount Sinai offers several funding opportunities for postdoctoral fellow researchers.

The Doft Family Postdoc Innovator Awards are held annually at Icahn Mount Sinai. These awards provide $25,000 to support innovative research by a postdoctoral fellow in any laboratory affiliated with The Friedman Brain Institute. In addition, recipients receive an additional $1,000 prize for their personal use. Eligibility and submission requirements are spelled out clearly in a request for application that is announced in January.


Anyone who holds the title of postdoctoral fellow or equivalent (e.g., research-track clinical resident or fellow) and works full-time at Icahn Mount Sinai in a lab affiliated with The Friedman Brain Institute is eligible to apply.

How to Apply

All entries should be submitted as a single PDF to during the enrollment period.

  • Two-page research project (Arial 11, single spaced): Be sure to indicate how the project will assist your pathway to independence and the percentage of time that will be devoted to the new project.
  • Letter of support from the postdoc’s Principal Investigator (PI) confirming that the PI will continue to pay the postdoc’s entire salary from other funds and support the effort required for the postdoc to pursue the new project.
  • Biosketch: National Institutes of Health style, five-page maximum, including all other external funding.

Use of Research Funds

The one-time $25,000 allocation cannot be used to support the postdoc’s salary and should instead support an innovative research project that will help the postdoc’s transition to independence.

The Robin Chemers Neustein Postdoctoral Fellowship award provides an exceptional female, early-career postdoctoral fellow with $25,000 to supplement their current stipend/salary for one year.

The award facilitates the progress of talented women in the health sciences and encourages women to pursue careers in scientific research. The fellowship is made possible by the generous support of Ms. Neustein, a dedicated advocate for the advancement of women’s careers in science. Past recipients of the award have gone on to tremendous success.

Doft Family Postdoc Innovator Awardees

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