1. PhD in Neuroscience
brain MRI scan


As a PhD in Neuroscience student, you will devote a significant portion of your time to research. Each lab is piloted by a member of our extraordinary teaching faculty.

Explore Our Labs

Ables Laboratory 
Understanding the effects of chronic metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, on brain function

Akbarian Laboratory
Exploration of epigenetic regulation of the human brain

Ang Laboratory
Developing novel spatial multi-omics, live biomolecular imaging and stem cell reprogramming tools to understand neurodevelopmental processes and pathology

Balchandani Laboratory 
Development and analysis of advanced imaging technologies for brain research

Beckmann Laboratory
Leveraging novel multi omics datasets to elucidate fundamental biological mechanisms underlying disease and health

Beker Laboratory
Dr. Beker’s lab employs a multi-pronged approach—utilizing EEG, behavioral assessments, and physiological measures—to understand how individuals with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders navigate the social and physical world

Benson Laboratory
Investigating mechanisms required to generate normal functioning neural circuits

Blanchard Laboratory
Understanding genetic and environmental vulnerability for neurodegeneration

Blenkinsop Laboratory
Studying the plasticity of the adult human eye in normal and pathological states

Blitzer Laboratory
Identifying the cellular mechanisms that give rise to stable forms of synaptic plasticity

Bond Laboratory
Revealing the Endogenous Regenerative Capacity of the Brain

Breen Laboratory
Studying gene expression and RNA editing of rare neurodevelopmental disorders

Buettner Laboratory
Researching glucose and lipid metabolism in liver and adipose tissue

Buxbaum Laboratory
Subtext: Studying human psychiatric and neurological diseases using genetics, genomics, cell and molecular biology and animal models

Cai (Denise) Laboratory
Understanding the temporal dynamics of learning and memory

Cai (Dongming) Laboratory
Translating disease mechanisms into development of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies

Castellano Laboratory
Understanding pathways connecting the systemic environment to brain function

Charney (Alex) Laboratory
Using genomic data to dissect the clinical features of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

Chen Laboratory
Exploring the use of clinical genome informatics

Chess Laboratory
Studying unusual mechanisms involved in regulating gene expression

Clark Laboratory
Using neuropsychological assessments and MRIs to understand cognitive and psychological difficulties

Clem Laboratory
Identifying impact of associative fear conditioning on neural pathways and neurons in limbic and cortical regions

Crary Laboratory
Focusing on the molecular neuropathology of neurodegenerative diseases

Cropper Laboratory
Studying neural mechanisms of sensorimotor integration

Dai Laboratory
Discerning synaptic physiological mechanisms of stress coping

Dams-O’Connor Laboratory
Investigating cutting-edge solutions for improving post-traumatic brain injury (TBI) health and quality of life

De Araujo Laboratory
Studying neural networks that link body sensors to skeletomuscular effectors

De Rubeis Laboratory
Understanding the developmental defects resulting from mutations in high-risk genes

Devi Laboratory
Researching molecular mechanisms in neurology

Dracheva Laboratory
Studying cell-type-specific epigenetic regulation in the human brain in brain disorders, development, and evolution

Dudley Laboratory
Focusing on translational and biomedical informatics approaches to address critical challenges in systems medicine

Elahi Laboratory
Designing laboratory research for linking disease of the brain’s vascular system with neurodegeneration

Elder Laboratory
Studying the biological functions of the presenilin-1 cause familial Alzheimer's disease using mouse models and cell cultures

Ellis-Davies Laboratory
Exploring optical methods and neurophysiology

Enamorado Laboratory
Our laboratory focused on understanding the neuroimmune regulation of tissue injury and repair

Foss-Feig Laboratory
Investigating sensory and perceptual processing of autism spectrum disorder versus typical development

Friedel Laboratory
Understanding the molecular machinery that drives proliferation, invasiveness, and therapy resistance of brain tumor cells

Fromer Laboratory
Developing computational tools to analyze data of schizophrenia patients

Goate Laboratory
Understanding the molecular basis of dementia and addiction

Goldstein Laboratory
Studying the neurobiology of substance use disorders and common comorbid problem behaviors and psychopathologies

Goosens Laboratory
Studying the systems-level biology of emotional memory and stress in healthy rodents and humans

Gu Laboratory
Characterizing mental disorders using computational psychiatry

Haghighi Laboratory
Studying how environmental signals and insults are interpreted by our cells using epigenetics

Harony-Nicolas Laboratory
Understanding the mechanisms underlying social behavior deficits in autism spectrum disorder

Haroutunian Laboratory
Studying single cell and bulk gene and protein expression in health and disease

Hambardzumyan Laboratory
Investigating the role of myeloid cells in pediatric and adult glioblastoma growth

Hazlett Laboratory
Understanding of the neurobiological basis of normal and disordered cognition and emotion using neuroimaging

Hedden Laboratory
Using brain markers from neuroimaging to understand how aging and neurodegenerative disease affects brain function and cognition

Hof Laboratory
Studying of selective neuronal vulnerability in dementing illnesses

Holstein Laboratory
Identifying the neurobiological bases for disorders of balance, equilibrium, postural control and spatial orientation

Horng Laboratory
Understanding how central nervous system barrier cells regulate immune cell activation and entry for multiple sclerosis

Horton Laboratory
Investigating how environmental, social, and occupational stressors impact later life outcomes

Huntley Laboratory
Researching synaptic circuit development and neural plasticity

Hurd Laboratory
Studying the neurobiology of underlying drug abuse and related psychiatric dysfunction

Iatridis Laboratory
Developing minimally invasive interventions to prevent and repair painful spinal pathologies

Iyengar Laboratory
Exploring how signals are routed and processed through cellular signaling networks

Janecka Laboratory
Understanding the etiological contribution of the environment to neurodevelopmental disorders

Jen Laboratory
Studying the genetic and physiological bases of disorders affecting balance and eye movement control

Kenny Laboratory
Analyzing human genetic variation to address fundamental questions in biology, medicine, and anthropology

Kimhy Laboratory
Studying the cognitive, affective, and behavioral processes underlying psychopathology in people with schizophrenia

Koenigsberg Laboratory
Studying the emotional instability characteristic of borderline personality disorder

Lin Laboratory
The Lin Lab (Bytes of Minds Lab) bridges the fields of AI, Psychiatry, and Neuroscience, focusing on developing brain-inspired AI systems and computational models to enhance mental health care. His work explores innovative applications of machine learning in clinical decision-making, neuropsychiatric interventions, and human-AI interaction.

Marro Laboratory
Researching synaptic plasticity and its dysfunction in Fragile X syndrome, the number one genetic cause of autism

Mayberg Laboratory
Advancing precision neurosurgical treatments for complex neuropsychiatric disorders

Maze Laboratory
Understanding the complex interplay between chromatin regulatory mechanisms and neuronal plasticity

McAlpine Laboratory
Investigating the immune system in sleep, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease

Mlodzik Laboratory
Studying of Wnt/Frizzled-planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling and associated regulatory and signaling specificity mechanisms

Mobbs Laboratory
Researching the role of aging in obesity, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease

Montgomery Laboratory
Developing, testing, and disseminating psychological and integrative interventions to reduce suffering related to cancer and its treatment

Moore Laboratory
Focusing on the effects of microgravity exposure on sensorimotor function         

Morgello Laboratory
Examining neurologic, neuropsychologic, psychiatric, neuropathologic, and general medicine abnormalities in HIV

Morishita Laboratory
Identifying the cortical mechanisms perception, cognition, and social behavior

Morris Laboratory
Optimizing and testing high-resolution multimodal neuroimaging techniques for precision imaging in psychiatric patients

Mullins Laboratory
The Mullins Lab is part of the Department of Psychiatry, Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, and the Charles Bronfman Institute for Personalized Medicine. Our research involves large-scale genomic studies of psychiatric disorders.

Nael Laboratory
Utilizing advanced imaging, quantitative neuroimaging, and multiparametric imaging to diagnose cerebrovascular disorders and brain and spinal neoplasms

Nestler Laboratory
Studying molecular mechanisms of addiction and depression

O'Loughlin Laboratory
Understanding the gene- and nutrient-gene interaction landscapes of cellular metabolism

Panagiotakos Laboratory
Building a rigorous mechanistic understanding of mammalian brain development

Parvaz Laboratory
Studying motivational, social, and affective processes in neuropsychiatric disorders

Pasinetti Laboratory
Studying biology and treatment of destructive inflammatory mechanisms in the brain

Pinto Laboratory
Identifying genes and biological pathways involved in neurodevelopmental disorders

Pereira Laboratory
Understanding the neurobiology of age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease using a translational approach

Plevan Laboratory
Studying the neurobiology and neurochemistry of psychiatric conditions such as suicide and drug addiction

Radulescu Laboratory
Building computational models of how cognition changes human behavior in naturalistic environments

Rajbhandari Laboratory
Understanding the reciprocal mechanisms that affect traumatic stress and associated changes in cardiorespiratory functions

Raj Laboratory
Focusing on mechanisms underlying the regulation of gene expression and how mechanisms are disrupted in neurodegenerative diseases

Rich Laboratory
Understanding the links between the emergent structure and dynamics of neural activity and advanced cognition

Robakis Laboratory
Using molecular biology and genetics of neurodegeneration to study Alzheimer’s disease

Rhoads Laboratory
Investigating the neural, cognitive, and computational processes underlying human social interactions, and their impact on loneliness and well-being

Roussos Laboratory
Focused on discerning the neurobiology of neuropsychiatric illnesses through regulation of gene expression

Rudebeck Laboratory
Exploring interactions between the prefrontal cortex and subcortical structures, related to emotional regulation and decision making

Russo Laboratory
Researching neuroplasticity and behavior

Saez Laboratory
Investigating the neurophysiological and computational basis of human behavior using intracranial recordings in human patients

Salton Laboratory
Investigating how neurotrophic growth factors regulate nervous system development and function

Schadt Laboratory
Constructing molecular networks that define disease states and link molecular biology to physiology

Schaefer Laboratory
Identifying the epigenetic basis of neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders

Schaffer Laboratory
The Schaffer lab focuses on understanding the computational principles behind broadly distributed signals in the brain, how neural representations change due to ongoing learning, and how neural computation is impacted by psychiatric disorders.

Schiller Laboratory
Discovering neural mechanisms underlying emotion and social cognition in the human brain

Sealfon Laboratory
Using diverse systems biology approaches to study and model the mechanisms of cellular decoding of extracellular stimuli

Shen Laboratory
Performing statistical and integrated analysis of molecular mechanisms of drug addiction and depression

Shuman Laboratory
Finding causal circuit mechanisms that lead to seizures and cognitive deficits in epilepsy

Silverman Laboratory
Characterizing phenotypes and endophenotypes in schizophrenia, dementia, successful aging, and autism for use in molecular genetic studies

Slesinger Laboratory
Focusing on the function of neural circuits in both normal and diseased states

Smith Laboratory
Reducing the need for trial-and-error in psychiatry by advancing individualized modulation of neural circuits

Sokol Laboratory
Exploring various processes in epithelial cells, stem cells, migrating cells, asymmetric division, growth factors, and mechanotransduction

Soriano Laboratory
Exploring the growth factor signaling pathways that have important roles in mouse embryonic development

Stanley Laboratory
Investigating how central and peripheral systems sense and regulate glucose metabolism

Sweis Laboratory
Dissecting circuits underlying how the brain makes complex decisions in health and disease by applying principles in neuroeconomics translated across species

Swirski Laboratory
Understanding how leukocytes connect lifestyle stressors with various organ systems

Tankou Laboratory
Investigating the role of the gut microbiome in patients with multiple sclerosis and its mouse model

Varga Laboratory
Understanding the mechanisms of learning, memory, and the role of sleep in memory consolidation

Varghese Laboratory
Quantifying protein and metabolic changes within spatial, cellular, and subcellular context in the brain

Velthorst Laboratory
Understanding functional trajectories of schizophrenia and related neurodevelopmental disorders

Victor Laboratory
Study neuronal network assembly, remodeling and degeneration, our group leverages genetic and molecular tools to observe, record, and manipulate neuronal activity while deriving stem-cell based models of the human brain

Voloudakis Laboratory
Understanding how genetic variation affects the transcriptional and epigenetic landscape by constructing genomic predictive models

Wang Laboratory
Utilizing biological mass spectrometry to probe protein interactions and processing mechanisms of amyloid beta-protein in Alzheimer's disease

Waters Laboratory
Promoting wellness in non-clinical populations and developing individualized brain read-outs for patients

Wright Laboratory
Designing innovative exposure measures and studying a vast array of diseases

Wu (Herbert) Laboratory
Understanding how we respond to sensory stimuli using mouse social and cognitive behaviors

Wu (Xiaoting) Laboratory
Investigating the neural mechanisms of social cognition

Xu Laboratory
Understanding how transcription factors and gene interactions drive progenitor cell development, maintenance, and regeneration in the inner ear and kidney

Yakushin Laboratory
Understanding and developing treatments for balance disorders

Yang Laboratory
Understanding genetic and epigenetic programs that control the development of distinct cell types

Yehuda Laboratory
Understanding of the biology of stress reactions and how to treat them better

Yue Laboratory
Studying molecular and cellular mechanisms of neurodegeneration that cause Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s diseases

Zhang Laboratory
Focusing on construction and characterization of multiscale biological networks

Zou Laboratory
Researching molecular mechanisms of how neurons are born, how they extend axons, and why they fail to regenerate after central nervous system injuries

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