Clinical Trials

The Tisch Cancer Institute offers a robust range of  phase 1, 2, and 3 clinical trials for cancer patients:

  • Phase 1 clinical trials test a potential drug’s dosing, confirm effectiveness, and look for side effects.
  • Phase 2 trials compare the new drug, already studied in a phase 1 trial, to a therapy that is known to be effective, either alone or in addition to the known therapy, or in comparison.
  • Phase 3 clinical trials continue to test the effectiveness of drugs that have gone through phase 1 and phase 2 studies in an even larger group of patients.

Choosing to participate in a clinical trial is a personal decision and a voluntary one. It is often helpful to talk to your physician, family members, and friends about your thoughts surrounding this decision. If you wish to proceed, after identifying some trial options, the next step is to contact the study research staff and ask questions about specific trials. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Clinical trials are research studies that involve humans. These studies test new ways to prevent, detect, diagnose, or treat diseases. Many standard therapies used in cancer treatment today began as drugs that were tested in clinical trials.

A clinical trial is a research study to answer specific questions about vaccines, new therapies, or new ways of using known treatments. Clinical trials (also called medical research and research studies) determine whether new drugs or treatments are safe and effective. Carefully conducted clinical trials are the fastest and safest way to identify new treatments that work.

Clinical trials provide access to promising new treatments or treatment approaches that are often not available outside the clinical trial setting. The treatment being studied may be more effective than the current standard treatment. Moreover, results from the study may help others in the future and are key to moving the entire field of cancer research forward. Many standard therapies used in cancer treatment today began as drugs that were tested in clinical trials.

Each clinical trial clearly states who can participate based on the patient’s type of cancer or other disease, prior treatments, overall health status, and other factors specific to the clinical trial. Only patients who meet all the eligibility criteria and give informed consent are entered into clinical trials.  

In addition to speaking with your doctor, family members, or friends about deciding to join a trial, you can also talk to the study research staff. More participant-related information on clinical trials is available through the National Cancer Institute website.

The Tisch Cancer Institute provides a list of currently open cancer clinical trials currently open cancer clinical trials. We recommend asking your doctor if you may be a suitable candidate. We have an extensive network of cancer care providers located throughout the New York City area who can help identify clinical trials that might be appropriate for you.

In February 2023, a new consent form template was released to our research patient community. The new consent form template changed standard language used throughout previous research consent forms. The primary purpose of these changes was to promote more equitable research, to incorporate language that is more inclusive, and to acknowledge participant diversity and sensitivity to differences and personal preferences.

These text modifications were not a direct result of changes associated with any particular study or any individual’s participation in a study, but rather reflect our ongoing commitment to conduct patient-focused, high-quality research that meets the needs of our diverse community.

The Tisch Cancer Institute has created a comprehensive summary of the updated consent form language. Questions about these changes can be addressed by a research patient’s study doctor or our Clinical Research Support Unit staff.

Clinical Trials Webinar (Multiple Languages Available)

Clinical Research Resources for Investigators

Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee

All cancer-related clinical research studies at the Mount Sinai Health System require approval by the Protocol Committee prior to submission to the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Institutional Review Board.

Resource-Allocation Evaluation

Once a protocol is endorsed, the investigator may proceed with requesting Clinical Research Support Unit resources by completing a Clinical Trial Feasibility form.


If you plan to conduct human subjects research at Mount Sinai, you will also need to complete training that complies with state and federal requirements.

Standard Operation Procedures

Review our policies for specific clinical research operations on the intranet.

Biostatistics Shared Resources

Biostatistics Shared Resources members participate in the design of new studies in basic science, clinical, epidemiological, survey, and cancer prevention.

Research Portal

For investigators new to research or new to Mount Sinai, the Research Portal provides answers, resources, and guidance.

Getting Started

Access virtual guidance, training links, search tools, and other resources key to kick starting your Mount Sinai project.

Office of Research Services

The Office of Research Services assists investigators with regulatory oversight requirements and processes for protocol development and grant submissions.

The Tisch Cancer Institute Intranet

Clinical research intranet lists all available resources to support investigators and their research teams.

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