Shared Resources

The Tisch Cancer Institute (TCI) at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai provides its members with coordinated access to scientific consultation, modern equipment, specialized technologies, and comprehensive institutional infrastructure to support cutting-edge research. 

Under the leadership of Jerry Edward Chipuk, PhD, continuous improvement of the Shared Resources is maintained through rigorous planning and evaluation mechanisms. 

Shared Resources Goals

  1. Identify and establish Shared Resources that benefit the TCI Research Programs.
  2. Evaluate and manage Shared Resources to assure access, cost-effectiveness, and impact to TCI Research Programs.
  3. Contribute significant value to the TCI Community by supporting the TCI’s Guiding Principles of Educate, Engage, Discover, Translate, and Increase Equity.

The TCI Bioinformatics for Next Generation Sequencing Shared Resource (BiNGSSR) provides next generation sequencing (NGS) focused computational analyses for cancer investigators and clinicians. The mission is to advise on experimental design and protocols related to NGS technologies, provide a broad range of bioinformatics analyses for multiple applications spanning bulk and single cell epigenomics, transcriptomics and genomics, perform data integration and visualization, and assist in cancer-focused data interpretation. BiNGSSR furthers scientific discoveries by establishing robust computational pipelines for analyzing NGS data for TCI members and offers extensive training platforms for the Mount Sinai and global research communities. BiNGSSR is also dedicated to creating opportunities to increase diversity within the STEM pipeline. 

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The TCI Biorepository and Pathology Shared Resource (BPSR) integrates biorepository, histology, immunostaining, and molecular services in support of basic, clinical, epidemiologic, and translational cancer research throughout the TCI community. Biopsy and surgical specimens are processed, banked, and distributed to investigators as fresh, frozen, fixed, or procured according to investigator specifications. The BPSR hosts a suite of advanced pathology services including diverse staining, imaging, and quantitative digital image analyses, along with macromolecule extraction for subsequent investigations. Liquid biospecimen processing and management support TCI research programs and clinical trials. Finally, the BPSR is a multi-dimensional group providing consultation, education, technical support, and training for basic science, translational, and clinical cancer researchers across the Mount Sinai Health System. 

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The TCI Biostatistics Shared Resource (BSR) collaborates with TCI members on designing laboratory experiments, population studies, and clinical trials. The BSR determines optimal experimental group sizes and drafts high-quality statistical analysis plans to ensure rigor and reproducibility. The BSR provides biostatisticians with expertise in comprehensive coverage of analytic methodologies, including software programming, table creation, and data visualization; they translate these components into language understandable by the scientific community, and support manuscript preparation and grant proposals. Training on all quantitative data science disciplines is available through seminars, walk-in clinics, and workshops. 

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The TCI Cancer Genomics Technologies Shared Resource (CGTSR) facilitates scientific, translational, and clinical breakthroughs by harnessing cutting-edge molecular-omics techniques, advanced instrumentation, and computational methods. The CGTSR offers the latest developments in bulk, single-cell, spatial, and in-situ multi-omics data generation platforms; while also providing expertise to optimize experimental design, data quality, affordability, and access. The team is composed of 29 staff and faculty housed in the Mount Sinai Discovery and Innovation Center, which includes instrumentation, molecular and cell biology spaces, and BSL2/BSL2+ laboratories. Post-sequencing data analyses are performed using the secured and centralized Mount Sinai High-Performance Computing facility with 1.5 Petabyte storage capacity. The CGTSR maintains a comprehensive suite of genomics services that accelerates cancer discovery, inter- and intra-programmatic collaborations within the TCI community, and benchmarks new technologies to continually match the evolving needs of TCI members. 

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The TCI Flow Cytometry Shared Resource (FCSR) access to modern technologies, services, and expertise in flow cytometry to enhance scientific discovery and collaboration within the TCI community. The FCSR proactively monitors and introduces new flow cytometry equipment, methods, and data analyses approaches to promote impactful studies and align with the cancer center’s expanding needs. The FCSR maintains cancer-focused personnel and contributes to TCI’s research mission by providing consultation, priority access, education, and cost-effectiveness with center pricing and subsidies. 

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The TCI Human Immune Monitoring Center Shared Resoure (HIMCSR) is a collaborative consortium of technologists, immunologists, clinicians, and computational biologists with the coordinated goal of generating unprecedented immune profiling datasets to interrogate the etiology of cancer, novel biomarkers of disease course, and response to immunotherapy trials in cancer patients. The HIMCSR includes a range of cutting-edge high-throughput technology platforms to define circulating immune factors in blood and body fluids; characterize immune cells in blood, bone marrow and tissue samples; interrogate specific cellular, molecular immune pathways that may be dysregulated in disease; and characterize changes upon therapy or treatment. These complementary technology platforms are fully integrated with automated laboratory, biospecimen, and data management systems to facilitate detailed immune characterization of diverse patient samples at exceptional scale with uncompromising data quality and scientific rigor. These data may be linked with cutting-edge computational, bioinformatics, and machine learning pipelines to extract meaningful and actionable therapeutic insights. The HIMCSR contributes to TCI’s mission by providing state-of-the-art technologies, project development, consistency, interpretations, and cost-effectiveness to all TCI programs. 

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The TCI Microscopy and Advanced Bioimaging Shared Resources (MABSR) manages cutting-edge instrumentation and imaging strategies for the cancer community. The MABSR provides access, expertise, and consulting services for state-of-the-art super-resolution, light-sheet microscopy, and electron microscopy, as well as confocal, multi-photon, and widefield microscopes. With TCI-focused staff, the MABSR collaborates with TCI members to develop advanced image analyses strategies and pipelines, and integrate new equipment and technologies based on TCI needs. The MABSR offers complete imaging support from consultation, sample preparation, microscope training, staff-assisted data capture, and high-performance computing workstations for image analysis. A strong commitment to education is supported by participation in numerous campus-based and national initiatives, along with co-directing an annual graduate-level microscopy course. As such, the MABSR offers complete imaging support from consultation, sample preparation, microscopes training, staff-assisted data capture, and high-performance computing workstations for image analysis. 

Contact MABSR

The TCI establishes Shared Resources to provide its members with coordinated access to scientific consultation, modern equipment, specialized technologies, and comprehensive institutional infrastructure to support TCI’s mission of innovative cancer research. The Associate Director of Basic Science Shared Resources unites cancer center members, TCI Senior Leadership, Shared Resources, and Mount Sinai Administration to advocate for state-of-the-art technologies and expertise that are accessible, cost-effective, evaluated, and evolving to match the needs of the cancer community. All activities related to Shared Resources management are deliberated and finalized by the TCI Shared Resources Management Team, led by Dr. Chipuk. 

Please remember to acknowledge The Tisch Cancer Institute Cancer Center Support Grant (P30 CA196521) when publishing manuscripts or abstracts that utilized TCI Shared Resources. 

Suggested acknowledgment language: "Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health under award number P30 CA196521." 

The Cancer Center Support Grant provides members of The Tisch Cancer Institute with subsidized fees (for select equipment in Flow Cytometry and Microscopy and Advanced Bioimaging), priority access and dedicated equipment for many of the services most utilized by Institute members.

Meet the Associate Director

Shared Resources Directors

Jerry Chipuk, PhD
Jerry Chipuk, PhD

Associate Director, Shared Resources

Madhu Mazumdar, PhD
Madhu Mazumdar, PhD

Co-Director, Biostatistics

Marcio Diniz, PhD
Marcio Diniz, PhD

Co-Director, Biostatistics

Robert Sebra, PhD
Robert Sebra, PhD

Director, Cancer Genomics Technologies

Jordi Ochando, PhD
Jordi Ochando, PhD

Director, Flow Cytometry 

Miriam Merad, MD, PhD
Miriam Merad, MD, PhD

Co-Director, Human Immune Monitoring Center

Sacha Gnjatic, PhD
Sacha Gnjatic, PhD

Co-Director, Human Immune Monitoring Center

Rachel Brody, MD, PhD
Rachel Brody, MD, PhD

Director, Biorepository and Pathology

Ernesto Guccione, PhD
Ernesto Guccione, PhD

Co-Director, Bioinformatics for Next Generation Sequencing

Dan Hasson, PhD
Dan Hasson, PhD

Co-Director, Bioinformatics for Next Generation Sequencing

Deanna L Benson, PhD
Deanna L Benson, PhD

Director, Microscopy and Advanced Bioimaging

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