The Tisch Cancer Institute

Cancer Clinical Investigation

The Cancer Clinical Investigation (CCI) Program of The Tisch Cancer Institute (TCI) is comprised of members who share the common goal of advancing treatment science to ultimately improve the lives of patients with cancer.

The goal of the CCI Program is to leverage the TCI’s pioneering science to maximally impact cancer treatment through the preclinical and clinical development of cutting-edge treatment strategies. The Program co-leaders cultivate research in treatment science across the Institute through collaborations, working groups, formal meetings, and education. CCI members, through their complementary and synergistic expertise, work to identify novel therapeutic strategies and advance TCI discoveries from the laboratory to the clinic and back, leading to constant cycles of scientific innovation. In addition to translating research that is initiated from within the Program, the CCI program is responsible for translating the science that emerges from other programs into novel therapeutic approaches and clinical trials for cancer patients by collaborating with other TCI Programs.

Scientific Themes:

  1. Cancer cell intrinsic targets - Multiple disciplines focused on the preclinical and clinical development of therapies directed at cancer cell-intrinsic processes and serves as the conduit for the design of clinical trials based on TCI science from within CCI and other programs.
  2. Cancer Cell-Extrinsic Targets - Immuno-oncology (IO) and Tumor Microenvironment (TME): Multiple disciplines focused on the preclinical and clinical development of therapies directed at the host immune system and the tumor microenvironment and serves as the conduit for the design of clinical trials based on TCI science in this area from members within CCI and with other Programs.