Institute for Regenerative Medicine


Research in Regenerative Medicine at Mount Sinai is supported by Icahn School of Medicine Core facilities including the following:

Stem Cell Engineering Core (SCEC)
The SCEC is led by IRM members Eirini Papapetrou, MD, PhD (Academic Director) and Samuele Marro, PhD (co-Director) and provides services including derivation of induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC) from patient blood samples, directed differentiation into specific cell types, and Genome editing to create or repair putative disease mutations. The SCEC also offers Training in iPSC culture techniques.

Flow Cytometry Core
The flow cytometry core provides all members of the Mount Sinai community the instrumentation and subject expertise to incorporate flow cytometry and cell sorting into any research project.

Microscopy and Advanced Bioimaging Core
The Microscopy CoRE and Advanced Bioimaging Center offers access to laser scanning and spinning disk confocal microscopes, a multi-photon microscope, electron microscopes, light sheet microscopes, super resolution microscopy and widefield microscopes for fixed and live imaging.

Mouse Genetics and Gene Targeting Core
The Mouse Genetics and Gene Targeting Core provides the Mount Sinai research community a state-of-the-art facility for production of transgenic and gene targeted mice, as well as related rodent embryology techniques.

Genomics Core Facility
Lead by IRM member Robert Sebra, PhD, the Genomics Core Facility provides state-of-the-art services including Next Generation sequencing (NGS), single cell analyses, and spatial transcriptomics.

Bioinformatics for Next Generation Sequencing (BiNGS) Shared Resource Facility
Lead by IRM members Ernesto Guccione, PhD and Dan Hasson, PhD, the BiNGS Shared Resource Facility is partially supported by the IRM and provides high-end data analysis services to IRM members at reduced cost. These include advice on NGS experimental design and protocols, standard and customized bioinformatic analyses of epigenomics and transcriptomic datasets, and extensive training platforms.