Scholarly & Research Technologies

Meeting of Committee for Academic Excellence, 5/13/71

Abstract of Recording

This is a transcript of a sound recording of a meeting of faculty members of Mount Sinai School of Medicine of The City University of New York. The meeting was called by a group called the Committee for Academic Excellence and was moderated by Horace L. Hodes, MD, Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at Mount Sinai. The discussion centers on the state of faculty organizations at the young School and the power of the faculty, in particular the voluntary clinical faculty as represented by the Association of the Attending Staff at The Mount Sinai Hospital. The question is whether a new faculty group should be formed when an official Faculty Organization already exists. There is also some discussion about issues within the Department of Medicine relating to their Chairman, Solomon Berson, MD. The identified speakers include Horace L.  Hodes, MD (1907-1989), Harriet S. Gilbert, MD (1930-2003), Murray Baron, MD, Kurt Hirschhorn, MD, Bernard Strauss, MD, and Rosalyn S. Yalow, PhD (1921-2011).

Transcript from Committee of Academic Excellence Meeting (MTG 0010)