Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Fellowship at The Mount Sinai Hospital

The Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative, and Pain Medicine offers one or two 12-month fellowships in regional anesthesiology and acute pain medicine. This is an ACGME-accredited fellowship. This clinically focused fellowship takes place in a 1,200-bed academic medical center that performs more than 2,000 regional anesthetics (single shot and continuous) and neuraxial blocks annually using both ultrasound-guided and traditional techniques. Fellows typically spend 70 percent of their time delivering regional anesthesia and supervising residents and 30 percent conducting clinical research. Didactics include participating in and/or leading a monthly journal club, assisting in simulation, lecturing medical students and residents, and attending hands-on workshops.

We encourage and support you, our fellows, in becoming involved with major international, national, and regional conferences such as American Society of Anesthesiologists, the New York State Society of Anesthesiologists, and the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine.

Clinical Experience

Our Regional Anesthesia Service performs over 2,000 peripheral and neuraxial blocks per year, both inside and outside the operating rooms. All of our regional faculty members have extensive clinical experience or have completed fellowship training in Regional Anesthesia or Pain Management. Rotations are organized in 4 week blocks and include the following: 

  • Inpatient and ambulatory regional service: 30 weeks
  • Inpatient Acute Pain Service: 12 weeks
  • Inpatient Chronic Pain Service: 2 weeks
  • Orthopedic Trauma operating room experience: 4 weeks

Fellows can expect to gain expertise in the following procedures: 

  • Upper extremity blocks and catheters: Interscalene, supraclavicular, infraclavicular, axillary
  • Lower extremity blocks and catheters: Femoral, lateral femoral cutaneous, sciatic, popliteal, saphenous (adductor canal), obturator, IPACK, ankle
  • Truncal blocks: Paravertebral, TAP, rectus sheath, quadratus lumborum, ESP, TTP, PECs and serratus anterior
  • Airway blocks for fiberoptic intubation
  • Head and Neck blocks
  • Neuraxial blocks, including thoracic epidurals
  • Acute pain management procedures
  • Management of acute pain in the chronic pain patient

How to Apply

We welcome your interest in the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative, and Pain Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

All application materials must be sent directly to the San Francisco Match. In order to register and apply, please visit the SF Match and follow online instructions.


We offer a PGY-5 salary (currently $90,112). Moonlighting opportunities available to supplement this salary.

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