Institute for Regenerative Medicine

About Us

The Institute for Regenerative Medicine’s mission is to synergize, integrate, and accelerate basic, translational, and clinical research and education in regenerative medicine. Our research on embryonic, adult, and induced pluripotent stem cells is housed within the Black Family Stem Cell Institute (BFSCI), where our scientists generate adult-like cells and tissues from human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells for modeling human disease, drug screening, cell therapies, and transplantation.

The Institute for Regenerative Medicine also strives to provide a collaborative, welcoming, and diverse environment that promotes interdisciplinary interactions and collaborations; to provide a forum for communicating exciting research findings and exchanging ideas; to train the next generation of researchers in interdisciplinary science; and to enhance the diversity of our scientific community. 

Philanthropic Opportunities

The IRM represents one of the world’s largest and most renowned communities of researchers in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. We are dedicated to harnessing the amazing potential of regenerative medicine to improve the lives of patients suffering from developmental and degenerative conditions, genetic diseases, age-related diseases, and cancer. Your tax-deductible donation will accelerate our ability to bring innovative therapies to the clinic.