Despite significant advances in the understanding of the neurobiology and genetics of schizophrenia in recent decades, few new treatments have emerged using other modalities or addressing other mechanisms. In light of this, The Blau Center aims to accelerate the development of novel and breakthrough therapeutics. Learn more about our research below, and a detailed list of our current grants and projects.
Clinical Research
Launching clinical trials investigating novel drugs and treatments in first-in-human studies, including gene therapy, is a core component of our center. We also conduct multidisciplinary research to investigate the psychosocial determinants in chronic psychiatric disorders, including co-occurring disorders, by leveraging new knowledge in basic science, neuroscience, and technology to develop maximally efficacious behavioral treatments. With our commitment to cutting-edge advancements in research, the Blau Center aims to provide hope to patients and their families seeking opportunities to improve their quality of life.
Neurobiological Research
Mount Sinai is renowned for its neurobiological research into disease pathology, with a number of teams investigating various aspects of psychosis. The Blau Center continues this tradition by conducting independent neurobiological research while also acting as a hub for these teams. The center supports and encourages collaboration between these groups and aims to improve communications among them. This work facilitates further discovery of the specific mechanisms underlying psychosis, providing a more comprehensive understanding of its pathology.
Neurobiological research helps us to better understand the development and illness trajectories of psychosis and identify biomarkers and targets for treatment. Specifically, our research will focus on multiscale longitudinal studies of at-risk cohorts and population-based genomic data generation. The ultimate goal is providing the highest quality clinical care for patients experiencing psychosis and schizophrenia.
Jeff and Lisa Blau Adolescent Consultation Center for Resilience and Treatment Profile on PlumX