At the core of the Institute for Exposomic Research is our NIEHS-funded Center on Health and Environment Across the LifeSpan (HEALS). Formerly the Transdisciplinary Center for Early Environmental Exposures, our Center was renamed in 2022 to reflect the focus on life course health. The Institute’s mission is bolstered by the overall goals of the Center to:
- Use a team-science, life-stage approach to identify how early life exposures contribute to disease and health inequities later in life
- Use a transdisciplinary, big data science approach to understand how nutrition, the social environment, and other modifiers contribute to individual susceptibility
- Translate research into novel, evidence-based approaches to disease prevention. Through the center, we are able to provide researchers from a diverse array of disciplines access to the environmental health expertise and technology housed within the Institute through pilot grants, collaborations, and training.