Institute for Exposomic Research

Meet the Team

Our team members span departments throughout the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, bringing diverse backgrounds to the Institute by offering varied expertise.


Robert O. Wright, MD, MPH, Co-Director of the Institute for Exposomic Research, is a pediatrician, epigeneticist, and environmental epidemiologist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He is the Ethel H Wise Chair of the Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health, and is the Founder and Director of the Senator Frank R. Lautenberg Health Sciences Laboratory.

Rosalind J. Wright, MD, MPH, Co-Director of the Institute for Exposomic Research, is a pediatrician, pulmonologist, critical care physician, and international leader in life course epidemiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. She is the Dean for Translational Biomedical Research, holds the Horace W. Goldsmith Professorship in Children’s Health Research, and is Professor of Pediatrics at Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital.

Faculty Members

Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health
Chitra Amarasiriwardena, PhD

Syam S. Andra, PhD
Manish Arora, BDS, MPH, PhD, FICD
Michael Aschner, PhD
Christine E. Austin, PhD
Jia Chen, ScD
Yueh-Hsiu Mathilda Chiu, ScD
Luz Claudio, PhD
Elena Colicino, PhD
Paul C. Curtin, PhD
Nicholas DeFelice, PhD
Sarah F. Evans, PhD, MPH
Maida P. Galvez, MD, MPH
Elizabeth J. Garland, MD
Chris Gennings, PhD
Homero Harari, ScD, MSc
Megan K. Horton, PhD, MPH
Hsiao-Hsien Leon Hsu, ScD
Allan Just, PhD
Itai Kloog, PhD
Ruth Loos, PhD
Roberto Lucchini, MD
Megan M. Niedzwiecki, PhD
Lauren M. Petrick, PhD
Maria Rosa, DrPH
Alison P. Sanders, PhD
Perry E. Sheffield, MD, MPH
Shanna H. Swan, PhD
Susan Teitelbaum, PhD
Erin Thanik, MD, MPH
Andrew C. Todd, PhD
Dania Valvi, MD, PhD, MPH
Douglas Walker, PhD
Ryan Walker, PhD, MS
Mary S. Wolff, PhD
Lauren Zajac, MD, MPH

Department of Allergy and Immunology
Rachel Miller, MD

Department of Cell, Developmental, and Regenerative Biology
Robert Krauss, PhD

Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences
Jose Clemente Litran, PhD
Joel Dudley, PhD
Gang Fang, PhD
Ke Hao, ScD
Jianzhong, Hu, PhD
Andrew Kasarskis, PhD
Patricia Kovatch
Uri Laserson, PhD
Gaurav Pandey, PhD
Inga Peter, PhD
Eric Schadt, PhD
Andrew J. Sharp, PhD
Pei Wang, PhD 

Department of Medicine
Sonali Bose, MD
Andrea Dunaif, MD
Zahi A. Fayad, PhD
Dirk Homann, MD, MA
Alison Lee, MD
Mary Ann McLaughlin, MD
Barbara Murphy, MB BAO BCh, FRCPI
Charles A. Powell, MD
Neil Schachter, MD
Juan P. Wisnivesky, MD, DrPH 

Department of Neurology
Barbara Vickrey, MD, MPH

Department of Neuroscience
Patrizia Casaccia MD, PhD
Eric J. Nestler, MD, PhD
Paul Slesinger, PhD

Department of Oncological Sciences
Stuart A. Aaronson, MD
William H. Redd, PhD

Department of Otolaryngology
Maaike van Gerwen, PhD

Department of Pediatrics
M. Cecilia Berin, PhD
Supinda Bunyavanich, MD, MPH, MPhil
Mirna Chehade, MD

Jaime Chu, MD
Bruce D. Gelb, MD
Hugh A. Sampson, MD
Lisa M. Satlin, MD
Scott H. Sicherer, MD
Nita Vangeepuram, MD
Alfin G. Vicencio, MD

Department of Pharmacological Sciences
Aneel K. Aggarwal, PhD
Yasmin Hurd, PhD
Martin J. Walsh, PhD

Department of Population Health Science and Policy
Emma K. T. Benn, MPH, DrPH
Carol R. Horowitz, MD, MPH
Elizabeth Howell, MD, MPP
Bian Liu, PhD
Shelley H. Liu, PhD
Emanuela Taioli, MD, PhD

Department of Psychiatry
Joseph D. Buxbaum, PhD
Rita Z. Goldstein, PhD
René S. Kahn, MD, PhD
Hirofumi Morishita, MD, PhD
Avi Reichenberg, PhD
Henrietta A. Szutorisz, PhD

Department of Radiology
Cheuk Ying Tang, PhD

(As of February 5, 2020)