Education in the Department of Environmental Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai includes a wide variety of opportunities, including residencies, fellowships, elective courses, and other programs.
Residency and Fellowship Programs
Our Public Health and Preventive Medicine Residency Program educates physicians on all aspects of population medicine. Our program provides physicians with the skills necessary for problem-solving in the planning, administration, organization, and evaluation of health care systems to improve health, with a focus on the promotion of wellness and the prevention of disease.
Our Occupational and Environmental Residency Program provides clinically trained physicians with a comprehensive clinical and research experience, and prepares them to address complex problems in occupational and environmental medicine. We prepare residents for leadership roles in academia, industry, public health, research and other relevant domains influencing individual and population health and safety, and help residents qualify for board certification in occupational medicine through the American Board of Preventive Medicine.
The NIH T32 Pediatric Environmental Health Fellowship provides post-residency/post-doctoral fellowship training in environmental pediatrics to a select cadre of clinically trained pediatricians and doctorally trained research scientists. In order to expand the scientific workforce in environmental medicine, we prepare doctors and scientists to become environmental specialists and future academic leaders in the emerging field of environmental pediatrics.
Public Health Internship Program
Our Environmental Medicine Internship Program for Minority Students invites students to participate in a short-term training opportunity within the biomedical sciences. Prospective students must qualify as a minority to be accepted.
Global Health Disparities Research Training Program
The Global Health Disparities Research Training Program supports students or recent graduates in mentored research abroad. Emphasis is placed on collaboration and the exchange of scientific and cultural knowledge in an atmosphere that supports and encourages diversity. We invite minority bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree students from across the United States to participate.
International Training Program in Environmental and Occupational Health
Our International Training Program in Environmental and Occupational Health supports environmental and occupational health scholars outside the United States who are interested in engaging in collaborative research with Mount Sinai faculty.
Pediatrics Environmental Health Electives
Residents, medical school and public health students may take Pediatric Environmental Health Electives, fielding clinical inquiries about childhood environmental exposures and learning to take an environmental history under the guidance of Environmental Pediatric physicians. Opportunities are available to participate in clinical evaluations, educational seminars, and meetings with representatives from public health agencies. Although the focus of the elective is clinical, ample opportunity is availale to assist with ongoing research, advocacy projects, and scientific papers.