From the beginning, the Department of Environmental Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai has been blazing new trails as we help change the entire approach to western health care, from one of treatment after the fact to one that calls first for strategic prevention.
Historic Milestones
The Mount Sinai Hospital’s first environmental health laboratory is established.
The Environmental Sciences Laboratory is created with Irving Selikoff, MD, as director.
The nation’s first hospital division dedicated to environmental and occupational medicine is founded at The Mount Sinai Hospital by Irving J. Selikoff, MD.
The Department of Community Medicine is established at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and is later renamed the Department of Preventive Medicine.

George James, MD, former Commissioner of Health for New York City, becomes the Department’s first Chair.

Kurt W. Deuschle, MD, is named Chairman of the Department, with Occupational and Environmental, Social Work, Behavioral Sciences, Medical Practice, Education, Nutrition, and Health Economics divisions.
The Edith J. Baerwald Professor of Community Medicine (in social work) endowed chairmanship is established, the first such chair in a U.S. medical school and the first endowed chair at Mount Sinai to be held by a woman.
Mount Sinai holds world's first course on asbestosis, a post-grad course, created by Irving Selikoff, MD.
The Department creates a General Community Medicine residency program with four slots.
The Department creates an International Division.
The Selikoff Centers for Occupational Health, part of the New York State Occupational Health Clinic Network, are established.
The New York State Education Department approves a two-year Master of Science degree in Community Medicine which eventually grows to become the Master of Public Health Program.

Philip J. Landrigan, MD, MSc, is appointed Chair.
The Division of International Health establishes an occupational residency program in Mexico, modeled after the existing program at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine (later named the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai).

The Department establishes one of the first Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units, now funded by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
The Postdoctoral Fellowship in Children’s Environmental Health is established through an NIEHS grant.

The Mount Sinai Hospital begins providing critically important medical services to 9/11 workers and volunteers enrolled in the federally funded World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP). As the largest WTCHP Clinical Center of Excellence, we have provided services to more than 22,000 responders since 2002.
The Children’s Environmental Health Center is founded.
In partnership with the Department of Population Health Science and Policy and the Arnhold Institute for Global Health, new PhD programs in epidemiology and biostatistics are created.
Originally named the Department of Community and Preventive Medicine, leadership changes its name to the Department of Preventive Medicine.
One of the nation’s first Exposome research programs, The Senator Frank Lautenberg Laboratory for Environmental Health Sciences, opens.

Robert O. Wright, MD, is appointed Chair of the Department of Preventive Medicine. Dr. Wright is a pediatrician, epigeneticist, and environmental epidemiologist.
The Department of Preventive Medicine is renamed Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health.
Creation of the Institute for Exposomic Research
Established the Laboratory for Innovation in Exposomic Precision Medicine
NIEHS awards $8.45 million for the Center on Health and Environment Across the LifeSpan (HEALS), a P30 Center