Research | Icahn School of Medicine

Research Opportunities

As a fellow in the Neuroanesthesia Fellowship at The Mount Sinai Hospital, either you have the opportunity to participate in a basic science project or a clinical project based in the neurosurgical intensive care unit (ICU).

Basic Science

We organize our basic science research projects by professor: 

Mark Baxter, PhD, is an associate professor of neurobiology and anesthesiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He is currently examining post-anesthetic cognitive decline in several cognitive domains at various developmental stages in rodent models. This project offers opportunities to provide anesthesia for neurosurgical procedures in nonhuman primates. 

Joshua Bederson, MD, is System Chair of the Department of Neurosurgery at Mount Sinai Health System. Ongoing lab projects include in vitro models of subarachnoid hemorrhage. 

Clinical Neurosurgical Research

Stacie Deiner, MD; Jeffrey Silverstein, MD; and Donald Weisz, PhD, participate in the following ongoing projects:

  • Bilateral bispectral index technology for detection of cerebral vasospasm
  • Cognitive outcomes after laminectomy
  • Scalp blocks for radiosurgery
  • Intraoperative neuromonitoring for spine surgery

Neurosurgical ICU projects

As a fellow, you may participate in clinical research. There are two prospective studies currently underway:

Intracranial Hemorrhage Outcomes Project (IHOP) (GCO# 07-1321) is currently enrolling neuro-intensive care patients with spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage, subdural hemorrhage, or intracerebral hemorrhage. This is an observational trial. We enter into a secure database information on each consenting patient’s demographics, past medical and surgical history, functional status, admission exam, imaging, and hospital course. We record details of all procedures received. In addition, we will contact patients enrolled in the study at three months and at one year after hospital admission for follow up on their functional and cognitive status. This study entails minimal risk to subjects (all data are stored anonymously) and benefits subjects by providing free follow-up care with our team during patients’ recovery.

Prediction of Postoperative Recurrence of Subdural Hematoma Using CT Perfusion (GCO#08-1470) is enrolling neuro-intensive care patients with subdural hemorrhage (SDH). Our clinical protocol for management of SDH entails serial computed tomography or computerized axial tomography perfusion scanning (three scans total). We are following these patients in a similar fashion to the IHOP trial. They undergo functional and cognitive assessments at three months and at one year after hospital admission. We will rate CT/CT perfusion scans using a novel system.