The Alper Center for Neural Development and Regeneration


The scientists at the Alper Center for Neural Development and Regeneration are committed to sharing their research through a variety of publications and other channels. In addition to publishing in scientific journals, we will also use traditional and social media to disseminate our research to a wider audience. We will also work with stakeholders such as patients, caregivers, and the general public to co-produce educational materials that accurately and clearly explain our findings in a culturally sensitive manner. Our goal is to make our research as widely accessible and understandable as possible.

Déjosez M., et al., Bat pluripotent stem cells reveal unusual entanglement between host and viruses, Cell, 2023.

Blanchard, J. W. et al. APOE4 impairs myelination via cholesterol dysregulation in oligodendrocytes. Nature (2022)

Panagiotakos & Pasca. "A matter of space and time: Emerging roles of disease-associated proteins in neural development". Perspective, Neuron, 2022.

Li Y, et al., Macrophages facilitate peripheral nerve regeneration by organizing regeneration tracks through Plexin-B2. Genes Dev. 2022.

Ramos SI, et al., An atlas of late prenatal human neurodevelopment resolved by single-nucleus transcriptomics. Nat Commun. 2022.

Sanchez-Priego C, et al., Mapping cis-regulatory elements in human neurons links psychiatric disease heritability and activity-regulated transcriptional programs, Cell Rep. 2022

Berg DA., et al., A Common Embryonic Origin of Stem Cells Drives Developmental and Adult Neurogenesis, Cell, 2019.