The Institute for Genomic Health

Message from the Directors

At the Institute for Genomic Health, we are committed to transforming health care through the translation of genomic information into routine patient care. As the pace of genetic testing rapidly increases and with patients becoming more proactive and knowledgeable about their health, the need to integrate genomics into clinical care is becoming increasingly paramount to providing more personalized and comprehensive health care.

Our team is dedicated to accelerating this integration of genomics into health care delivery through groundbreaking genomic research, new applications of genomic screening, clear and transparent genomic communication to the community, and thorough genomic education to patients and medical professionals. In harmony with the Mount Sinai Health System’s core value of equity, we take care to emphasize diversity and inclusivity, with an emphasis on populations that are currently underrepresented in genomic and medical knowledge bases. Finally, we understand that such groundbreaking work cannot be achieved in a silo, and we strive to surround ourselves with organizations and collaborators that share our same vision. 

We are committed to transforming health care through our values of innovation, inclusivity, and preventive health, and we invite you to learn more about our team and our work.

Eimear Kenny, PhD
Director, Institute for Genomic Health
Professor of Medicine, and Genetics and Genomic Sciences
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Michael Murray, MD
Clinical Director, Institute for Genomic Health
Professor of Medicine, Genomic Medicine
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai