The Gastroenterology Fellowship is a fully accredited three-year fellowship. This training program draws upon the resources of two affiliated campuses: The Mount Sinai Hospital and the James J. Peters Bronx VA Medical Center. Fellows receive training based on a core curriculum in clinical gastroenterology, endoscopy and hepatology. There are subspecialty rotations that provide additional focused training in inflammatory bowel diseases, pancreaticobiliary diseases, advanced endoscopy, gastrointestinal cancers, GI motility, and nutrition. Eighteen months of the fellowship are devoted to scholarly pursuits in clinical research, basic/translational research, quality improvement and/or medical education. Individual scholarly interests are developed throughout the three-year program under faculty mentorship and guidance. Fellows pursuing a research-focused academic career may apply to the T32 Training Program “Training in Investigative Gastroenterology and Hepatology” during their 2nd year of fellowship.
For fellows who have completed their Gastroenterology Fellowship, the GI Division also offers two, one-year advanced training fellowships: Advanced Endoscopy and the Present/Levison Advanced Fellowship in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.