Full-Time Faculty

The following academic appointments to the faculty of Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai are available to full-time employees of the School.

Faculty at the rank of Instructor or higher in the Investigator Track, the Clinician Educator or Scientific Educator Track, the Research Track and the Clinical Practice and/or Administrative Leadership Track are expected to possess doctoral degrees and to have completed their academic training. Doctoral degrees include Doctor of Medicine, Dentistry, Podiatric Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Osteopathy, Jurisprudence, Public Health, Science, Social Work, and Philosophy (PhD).

Under exceptional circumstances, a Department Chair may recommend a faculty appointment at or above the rank of Instructor for an individual who lacks a doctoral degree if the individual: 1) teaches in the degree-granting programs of Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai on a regular and sustained basis, and in so doing makes a significant, ongoing contribution to the School’s formal teaching programs; and/or 2) contributes unique expertise essential to furthering mission-based academic objectives identified by the Dean of the School; and 3) meets or exceeds the criteria for the proposed rank and track. Except upon the consent of the Dean, Mount Sinai employees without doctoral degrees whose primary function is neither teaching nor conducting research will not be eligible for such faculty appointments; those already holding faculty appointments may be grandfathered under their current titles at their Chair’s discretion. Any recommendation by a Department Chair of an individual without a doctoral degree for appointment to the position of Instructor or higher ranks will be subject to the approval of the Committee on Appointments, Promotions and Tenure.

Qualifications: Appointment at this level may be extended to individuals who have demonstrated excellence in research and/or clinical practice and/or education of medical and/or graduate students and/or postdoctoral trainees, with potential to contribute as experts, innovators and leaders in their fields.

Appointment and Term: Appointment to this position will be at the discretion of the Department Chair. The term of appointment is one year.

Reappointment: Prior to the end of each term the Chair must decide whether to reappoint or not reappoint the individual. Reappointment beyond three years in the aggregate must be justified by the Chair and approved by the Office of the Dean.

Promotion: The Chair may, at any time, promote the individual to the position of Assistant Professor. Upon promotion, the individual will be assigned to the track most suited to his/her skills and responsibilities.

Updated November 2014

Research Assistant

Qualifications: Appointment at this level may be extended to individuals without doctoral degrees who perform unique and specialized research functions within the department.

Appointment and Term: Appointment to this position is at the discretion of the Department Chair. Such appointments will be coterminous with the period of employment.

Teaching Assistant

Qualifications: Appointment at this level may be extended to individuals without doctoral degrees who perform unique and specialized teaching or administrative functions within the department.

Appointment and Term: Appointment to this position is at the discretion of the Department Chair13. Such appointments will be coterminous with the period of employment.


Qualifications: Appointment at this level may be extended to individuals with doctoral degrees14 who are continuing academic training, but have reached a level of training that permits them to perform academic functions within the institution (e.g., chief resident, fellow).

Appointment and Term: Appointment to this position is at the discretion of the Department Chair.13 At intervals no greater than three years, the Chair can determine whether a continued appointment is warranted based on an individual’s activities at Mount Sinai. This appointment will terminate upon completion of training as determined by the Department Chair.


Updated April 2013

Updated June 2021