Chapter III: Faculty

Upon the recommendation of the Department Chair, an individual who holds a doctoral degree and who agrees to devote at least 10 hours weekly of unpaid service to Health System activities that is assigned by the Chair is eligible for appointment to the voluntary faculty. Voluntary faculty may not accept an appointment or other position at any other school of medicine unless prior written approval has been granted by the Dean.

Voluntary faculty may be compensated by Icahn School of Medicine or its affiliated institutions for professional services rendered at a rate to be determined by the Department Chair and approved by the Dean or the Director of the Mount Sinai Hospital or other affiliated institution. Fringe benefits will only be provided for those voluntary faculty who are paid for at least 24 hours of service per week, except when mandated by law or arranged by agreement with the School or Hospital. Time devoted to paid service to the School and/or affiliated Hospitals may not be substituted for the 10 hours of weekly unpaid service that is required of all voluntary faculty. Arrangements for compensation for services may be terminated by Icahn School of Medicine or its affiliated institutions at any time. In the event that such arrangements are terminated, voluntary faculty will retain their faculty appointment in the School of Medicine.

Updated December 2016

Upon the recommendation of the Department Chair, individuals who hold a doctoral degree who are compensated by the Icahn School of Medicine or its affiliated institutions for less than 40 hours of professional service per week may be eligible for appointment as part-time faculty. The rate of compensation of part-time faculty will be determined by the Department Chair with hospital leaders as appropriate, and approved by the Dean. 

Faculty hired on or after January 1, 2004 must be employed a minimum of 24 hours per week to be eligible for benefits. Faculty hired on or before December 31, 2003 who were benefits eligible must be employed a minimum of 17.5 hours per week to continue to be eligible for benefits.

Part-time faculty paid by Mount Sinai to provide clinical care are required to participate in the Clinically Integrated Network of Mount Sinai Health Partners IPA, LLC (the Independent Practice Association of the Mount Sinai Health System).

Information on academic ranks, appointment, and promotion of full-time, voluntary, and part-time faculty are detailed in Chapter IV of the Faculty Handbook.

Updated December 2016

Appointments to the faculty of the School of Medicine are made upon the recommendation of the Department Chair or Institute Director to the Committee on Appointments, Promotions and Tenure, approval by the Committee on Appointments, Promotions and Tenure, subsequent approval by the Dean, and final approval by the Board of Trustees. All applicants for appointment to the School of Medicine must be appropriately licensed (where applicable), professionally competent with unquestioned character, ethics and conduct, capable of contributing to the teaching, research, and/or patient care aspects of the School, and willing to comply with all rules and regulations of the School of Medicine. For detailed information, see the section on Appointments and Promotions, Chapter IV.

At the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS), all Master’s and PhD degree programs are administered through the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS). While appointments to the faculty of the ISMMS are made upon nomination by academic departments, the ability to teach or mentor graduate students or postdoctoral research trainees (postdocs) is not automatically conferred along with an ISMMS appointment title, such as Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor. Consequently, ISMMS faculty members who also wish to participate actively in the education of graduate students or postdocs must additionally apply for a GSBS faculty appointment.

Icahn School of Medicine is committed to increasing the representation of women, minorities, and members of other groups underrepresented in its research and clinical faculty. Faculty diversity is essential for providing culturally effective care to the wide range of populations we serve and for educating and training the culturally and ethnically diverse group of medical students and house staff at Mount Sinai.

All faculty of the School of Medicine are required to carry out teaching, research, clinical and administrative duties as may be assigned by the Dean or their Chairperson or Institute Director. Specific assignments may vary from year to year, or at more frequent intervals, depending upon the academic needs of the School and the faculty members' areas of capability. Every effort is made to assign duties which afford satisfaction to the faculty member in his/her professional work, consistent with the purposes and best interests of the institution.

Faculty who teach in the MD program must be aware of the technical requirements for the MD program as described in the Student Handbook (page 43)



The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is deeply committed to providing a supportive, nurturing and collegial environment for all of its students, trainees, faculty, staff, patients, and volunteers.  Professional conduct is a key component in ensuring a setting that is conducive to working and learning, encourages academic freedom and furthers Mount Sinai’s educational, research, clinical care and service mission. Regardless of role or level of seniority, every member of the Mount Sinai community deserves to be treated with dignity and respect and in turn is expected to exhibit professional conduct at all times. 

Expectations of professional conduct co-exist seamlessly with other policies of the School and Health System. 

Professionalism encompasses a broad range of positive behaviors, including but not limited to:

  • Treating all members of the Mount Sinai community with dignity and respect, and without bias based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, veteran status, disability, or any other status protected by law;
  • Applying the highest ethical standards to performing one’s job;
  • Providing clear and timely direction and feedback to subordinates in a non-threatening, and constructive manner;
  • Respecting the privacy of individuals;
  • Never engaging in supervisor-subordinate work or learning relationships with a romantic partner or family member (defined as parent, spouse, domestic partner, child, sibling, grandparent, in-law, cousin, uncle or aunt) by having one’s Chair or Dean assign an alternative reporting arrangement.

In contrast, certain behaviors are unprofessional and are never acceptable or appropriate.  These include but are not limited to:

  • Making discriminating, harassing or offensive remarks or taking negative actions based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, veteran status, disability or any other status protected by law;
  • Insulting,  humiliating, berating, or demeaning others in a public or private exchange;
  • Exhibiting disrespectful or threatening behavior;
  • Sexual advances and/or misconduct;
  • Exchanging sexual favors for rewards such as better grades or letters of reference;
  • Requesting personal services from a subordinate, whether faculty, student, trainee or staff, that are outside of the scope of the working or learning relationship, e.g,, shopping, babysitting.

When an allegation of unprofessional faculty behavior is made, the appropriate review body will conduct an investigation.  If the validity of the allegation is confirmed, remediation may range from counseling by the faculty member’s direct supervisor and/or Chair, to disciplinary action, up to an including termination, by the Dean.

Related policies include but are not limited to:


From time to time, the School may enter into unique and significant ventures (“Key Ventures”) in which Mount Sinai has a substantial ownership interest in a new entity (“New Co” ) alone or along with other New Co owners (“Partners”) through which New Co provides health care, teaching or research services which are critical to advance the School's core mission. Key Venture status is conferred by the Dean [in consultation with _______________].

In some Key Ventures, full-time School faculty members may be leased to, or provide services to, New Co. In other Key Ventures, faculty provided by New Co, or by another New Co Partner, may provide services to or at Mount Sinai. Because of the importance of these Key Ventures to the School, it is in Mount Sinai’s best interest to ensure that qualified individuals participating in a Key Venture receive faculty titles that reflect their anticipated contributions to the School. The Dean may waive the applicability of certain sections of the Faculty Handbook for individuals participating in a Key Venture based on the underlying relationship with New Co or a New Co Partner. Participating faculty will be notified of any modification to the Faculty Handbook in advance of implementation.

Updated February 2017


Icahn School of Medicine is committed to provide benefit plans that will protect faculty and their eligible family members in the event of illness, injury, or death and will help faculty to achieve financial security for their retirement. Details of these benefits plans are available from Human Resources. Please be advised that benefits vary depending upon faculty title and that benefit plans change from time to time. Provisions of the master policies govern the terms and conditions of these benefits.

Icahn School of Medicine regulations regarding faculty retirement are in accordance with city, state, and federal guidelines. For specific information on current regulations, faculty members should consult with the Office of Human Resources of the School of Medicine.

A full-time or voluntary faculty member who plans to resign from the faculty of Icahn School of Medicine must give at least six months written notice to his/her Department Chair and must complete all important responsibilities prior to departing from the institution. Faculty with employment contracts must adhere to the full term of the contract. Resignation or termination from the staff of the Mount Sinai Hospital or the staff of an affiliate hospital will result in concurrent termination from Icahn School of Medicine unless the faculty member expressly states in writing a desire to retain a faculty appointment at the time of resignation or termination. 

Full-time faculty who were appointed after May 6, 1981, who wish to convert to voluntary status must apply for appointment to the voluntary staff.

Termination of Faculty Paid By Affiliates
Faculty appointments of individuals whose base salaries are paid entirely by an affiliated institution or practice are contingent upon the continuation of both their affiliate appointment and the institutional agreement between Icahn School of Medicine and that affiliate. In the event that either or both of these conditions are no longer in effect, the School faculty appointment will end co-terminously without notice, appeal rights or similar provisions otherwise afforded by the Faculty Handbook. The Dean may on occasion grant a waiver to appoint such an individual for a term that includes notification obligations and appeal rights; the waiver must be made in writing to the individual and the primary academic department.

Termination for Cause
Any full-time, part-time or voluntary faculty member, whether tenured or non-tenured, may be terminated for cause (see Faculty Disciplinary Tribunal).

Updated April 2012

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