The Center for Excellence in Youth Education at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) has made a number of important contributions to health care and medical education. Here are just a few of the highlights:
CEYE Background
Mount Sinai School of Medicine opens its doors.
ISMMS establishes a retention program for underrepresented minority and economically disadvantaged medical students.
ISMMS establishes the Special Health Opportunity Program and the Health Careers Program to address New York City high school drop-out rates, under leadership of Lloyd R Sherman, EdD.
The programs established in 1969 evolve into the Secondary Education Through Health (SETH) Program.
The Center for Excellence in Youth Education is established, incorporating the SETH Program and newly formed Science Technology Entry Program funded by the State Education Department.
Center for Multicultural and Community Affairs (CMCA) is established. CEYE is a sister center to CMCA.
CMCA wins Health Careers Opportunity Program award from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration.
CMCA wins Center of Excellence award from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration.
CMCA achieves "center" status and becomes a stand-alone unit in the School of Medicine.
The Diversity in Biomedical Research Council is established.
CMCA receives federal funding to be a part of the Northeast Regional Alliance (NERA) MedPrep Program, a three-year medical school preparedness program for underrepresented and economically disadvantaged college students.
Lloyd Sherman, EdD, passes away. CMCA takes over CEYE's administrative, fiscal, and programming operations. The CEYE Advisory Council is created, co-chaired by Eric Nestler, MD, PhD and Ray Cornbill, MBA.
Since 1975, the Center for Excellence in Youth Education (CEYE) has made a difference in the lives of thousands of students from New York City schools, not to mention affecting many of our faculty, staff, and post-graduate trainees. Through our wide range of education pipeline programming, we open doors for underrepresented minority and economically disadvantaged students. In so doing, we are changing the face of science, medicine, and other health care professions.
CEYE Education Philosophy
All CEYE programming relies on the real-world classroom of the Mount Sinai Health System, with plenty of activities and interactions with faculty and staff. As a CEYE student, you maintain a logbook, take pre- and post-tests, and complete a final paper and presentation. We have aligned all anticipated outcomes with New York State Standards of Education.
Lloyd Sherman, EdD, educational innovator, developed CEYE’s educational philosophy. He initiated our outreach initiatives in 1968 and established and directed CEYE for nearly 40 years. Before coming here, Dr. Sherman was a secondary school science teacher in Kenya, where he determined that people learn best when education is relevant, functional, and carried out in a class arranged in dyads, or pairs of two, assigned at random. This conviction has shaped all of the CEYE programming and continues today.
Dr. Sherman developed his approach to dyad pedagogy to maximize learning across the cognitive, affective, and social domains. He arranged students into pairs for an entire semester, performing all activities as a single learning unit for which each member receives the same grade. This method has been adopted by a wide range of educational organizations from public schools to colleges and universities to less formal educational settings.
The Center for Excellence in Youth Education is housed in the Center for Multicultural and Community Affairs, which is directed by Gary Butts, MD. Leadership includes:
Ann-Gel Palermo, MPH, DrPH
Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion in Biomedical Education; Associate Professor, Medical Education & Pediatrics
Kenya Townsend
CEYE Program Director
Alexander Joseph, MA
CEYE Program Manager
Tristan Franz, MA
CEYE Program Coordinator
Elisha Pinker
CEYE Teaching Assistant
The CEYE Advisory Council oversees all programs and is co-chaired by Eric Nestler, MD, PhD, Director of the Friedman Brain Institute and Chair of the Department of Neuroscience, and Ray Cornbill, MBA, CMCA Consultant. The council includes our trustees, senior leadership in biomedical and clinical departments, nursing and social work, medical students, and a principal from a longstanding public school partner of CEYE.
The Center for Excellence in Youth Education and its activities are supported, in whole or in part, by a grants from the Pinkerton Foundation, the New York State Education Department, and the Health Resources and Services Administration. Scholarship Opportunities are provided through generous contributions from Serve and Rally and the family of Roy N. Barnett.