Cardiology Fellowship Research

The overarching mission of our program is develop among our fellows an interest, ability, and commitment to clinical research and academic success. We particularly seek to develop fellows who will seek additional sub-specialty training and/or compete for successful faculty positions upon completion of their cardiology fellowship.  

The fellows’ research experience is bolstered by an Attending staff that has many members dedicated to academic pursuits as part of their full-time faculty duties.  To aid fellows’  academic opportunities, their required clinical experiences are concentrated into the first two  years of training so that fellows have the option to use any number of months, and even nearly their whole third year, for research if they so desire.

Mentored instruction and guided experience by our faculty helps fellows with hypothesis generation, research design, conduct of studies, data analysis, data interpretation, deductive reasoning, write up of studies, and presentation of research. In the process of their experience, fellows should also learn standards of ethical conduct of research and responsible use of informed consent. 

We require that each Cardiology fellow undertake at least one research project during their three years. By the end of their fellowship training, each fellow must demonstrate evidence of research productivity through the following venues:

  1. Publication in peer-viewed journals;
  2. Abstracts presented at national or subspecialty meetings;
  3. Book chapters
  4. Preparation of a research-grade review topic, with a write-up of the material and presentation of the material at one of our didactic formats (e.g., core curriculum, Grand rounds).