The Brain Injury Research Center of Mount Sinai (BIRC-MS) provides informational videos that address the most prevalent issues within the traumatic brain injury (TBI) community, including hidden TBI and depression.
Hidden TBI
This video discusses the problem of hidden TBI, a topic that BIRC-MS has addressed for many years through a variety of research projects and outreach activities. A person with a hidden TBI has experienced a blow to the head that resulted in problems in daily life such as poor memory; emotional outbursts; and a variety of other symptoms, but they have not attributed these behaviors and symtoms to TBI. BRIC-MS has developed are two publications and a video to help raise awareness about hidden TBI.
The “Do I Have a Brain Injury? And, What Can I Do About It” video reviews the experience of several people who have had brain injuries but didn’t initially realize the extent and consequences of their injury.
In conjunction with the video, we suggest the an article published in The Wall Street Journal in 2008, entitled "Studies Cite Head Injuries as Factor in Some Social Ills." Much of this article was based on research conducted by Brain Injury Research Center (BIRC) investigators.
The following materials are the result of research which suggests that compared to the general population, depression is 10 times more likely for people with traumatic brain injury; and anxiety is twice as likely. The Brain Injury Research Center of Mount Sinai has long had an interest in expanding our knowledge about and treatments for mood problems commonly experienced by individuals with TBI.
In an effort to raise awareness about post-TBI emotional distress, the BIRC developed this video, a “Brain Injury and Depression.” We suggest viewing this video in conjunction with our issue of TBI Consumer Report, which focuses on steps individuals with TBI can take to alleviate depression or anxiety.