1. Nash Family Department of Neuroscience
Message from the Chair

Message From the Chair

The Nash Family Department of Neuroscience is a major part of The Friedman Brain Institute which coordinates all neuroscience research at the Icahn School of Medicine and builds translational bridges to clinical treatment programs throughout our affiliated hospitals and outpatient clinics. This interconnected environment for collaboration is what attracts students, trainees, and faculty to our Department.

Unlike many graduate school departments, the environment at Icahn Mount Sinai is built on intentional, personalized mentorship. Students, trainees, and faculty work in a friendly, high-quality research environment that supports the impact of our work. We believe that the culture of our Department plays just as large a role as the academic rigor.

As we continue to focus on fully understanding the complexities of the brain, we are growing our Department’s work in systems neuroscience and computational neuroscience. We are also exploring how we study the brain outside of isolation and take a holistic view to neuroscience.

We welcome students, trainees, and faculty who are eager to join us in conquering the last frontier of modern medicine. Thank you.

Paul J. Kenny, PhD

Chair of the Department of Neuroscience