Required Documents for Appointment, Promotion or Tenure

If you are a candidate for appointment, promotion or tenure, we hope that you will find the following information to be a helpful overview of your application submission.


Your application, whether for appointment, promotion, or tenure, must be submitted using the Faculty Transaction Tracker (“the Tracker”) in Sinai Central.  When your department administrator initiates your candidacy in Sinai Central, you will receive an email with instructions for accessing the Tracker.  Once you are in the Tracker, you will see a list of the documents you must complete and submit directly into the Tracker.  After you have submitted all required documents, your administrator will add a statement of support from your Department Chair, and will submit the entire application to the Dean’s Office.  Your administrator can then periodically check the Tracker to view the progress of your application.


The specific documents that you need to complete will depend on: 1) whether you are proposed for appointment, promotion and/or tenure; and 2) your proposed rank and track.  All possible documents are listed below – click on to each to learn more --, but remember that your requirements are driven by the specifics of your application.  You will see the exact documents (with instructions) relevant to your candidacy when you go into the Tracker. 

All candidates, regardless of rank, track, tenure or type of transaction (appointment, promotion or tenure), must provide a current CV in the APT Tracker in Sinai Central. Always note the date of the CV at the top of the first page of your CV:

  • Candidates for Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor and/or Tenure - Your CV must conform to the Mount Sinai Curriculum Vitae Template (download in word file), following our Curriculum Vitae Instructions. Use the CV template and complete all sections to ensure that you provide all information that the Committee on Appointments, Promotions and Tenure wants to see when evaluating your application.

The APT Committee relies heavily on feedback from external reviewers in evaluating your application. The Tracker will instruct you on the number of external reviewer names (and contact Information) required for your proposed rank/track, as well as any restrictions in selecting reviewers. Please provide all information requested and comply with any restrictions on who can serve as a reviewer for you. Further information on reviewer criteria can be found here

The APT Office will work closely with your department on monitoring the receipt of letters from your reviewers. Sometimes, when the letters come in very slowly and delay the progress of your application, we may ask you to provide additional names. In such cases, please respond quickly so that we can contact the additional prospective reviewers.

Any reviewer letters sent directly to you or your department will be disqualified. It is essential that all letters go directly to the APT Office.

If you are proposed for appointment, promotion or tenure in the Investigator, Clinician and/or Educator, or Research Track, you will be asked to provide web links to peer-reviewed publications that you consider to be your most significant.  The Tracker form will indicate how many publications -- the number differs by rank, track and whether you are proposed for tenure.

Educators are expected to 1) demonstrate a scholarly approach to teaching and education practice, and 2) contribute to the dissemination of knowledge in a clinical or scientific field, in health professions, or in the practice of biomedical education.


For each of these two broad areas of work there are categories of work, outputs and/or roles as well as options for evidence to guide candidates that can be found in the Educational Addendum.


All Faculty on the Clinician Educator or Scientist Educator Track MUST complete the Clinician Educator OR Scientist Educator Track Information Addendum when applying for appointment or promotion.

All Appointment and Promotion requests for Associate Professors and Professors on the Clinical Practice and/or Administrative Leadership Track, must complete the Clinical Practice Information Addendum which can be found here.

All Appointment and Promotion requests for Associate Professors and Professors not covered by one of the other track specific addendums (CPAL track or CE or SE track), must complete the Non-Track Specific Addendum which can be found here.

For all Appointment and Promotion requests for the Investigator Track, Faculty should refer to the attached documentation found here and here.

A statement of support from a candidate’s Department Chair (co-signed by other leaders, if relevant) is an important part of the appointment, promotion or tenure application.  The Statement should supplement rather than mimic the CV, providing information about the candidate that the APT Committee might not otherwise know.  Note that the Chair Statement does not go to external reviewers, it is a purely internal document.

The Department will submit the Chair Statement in the Faculty Transaction Tracker in Sinai Central along with other candidate documents.

Following are essential components of the Chair Statement:

  • Date the Statement
  • Introductory paragraph should include:
    • Proposed rank and track, and if applicable, tenure.
  • Subsequent paragraphs – remember, do not just recite facts from CV:
    • Appointments:
      • Include a brief job description
      • Describe accomplishments to date
      • Associates – include anticipated length of training
    • Promotions:
      • Highlight major accomplishments at current rank
  • Maximum length :
    • One page:
      • Junior ranks (assistant professor and below);
      • Adjunct and visiting titles
      • Lecturer, professorial lecturer
    • Two pages:
      • Senior ranks (associate professor, professor)
      • Tenure candidates

Sample Chair Statements are provided as models in links below: