Faculty Council | Icahn School of Medicine

Faculty Council

The Faculty Council at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai shares the faculty perspective with the Dean, taking under consideration matters of importance to the School and making recommendations as appropriate. The Council serves provides an essential link between the faculty at large and the Dean. School faculty of all the departments and institutes elect their peers as Council representatives.

The Council fulfills specific functions through its four standing committees—Executive, Faculty Resources, Professionalism, and Faculty Discipline—that report to the Faculty Council that reviews and approves committee recommendations before they go to the Dean.

The Faculty Handbook describes the structure and function of the Faculty Council and its standing committees:

Organization and Governance of the Council

  • Duties and Composition
  • Role and Duties of Officers
  • Member and Officer Terms of Service
  • Meeting Frequency and Process
  • Elections

Standing Committees of the Council

  • Executive Committee
  • Faculty Resources Committee
  • Professionalism Committee
  • Faculty Disciplinary Tribunal
  • Wellness Committee
  • Research IT Committee

Representatives of the Faculty Council elect Faculty Council leaders from among their body elect. The president and past-president of the Faculty Council function as Council officers and the members of the standing Executive Committee who each serve a two-year term that is not renewable. The Council officers and the standing committee chairs comprise the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council.

Current Faculty Council leaders and Executive Committee members:

  • President: Dan Katz, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative & Pain Medicine
  • Past President: Joanne Stone, MD, Chair and Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Science
  • Chair, Faculty Resources Committee: Alfred Burger, MD, Professor of Medicine
  • Chair, Professionalism Committee: Michael Hausman, MD, Professor of Orthopaedics
  • Chair, Faculty Disciplinary Tribunal: Michael Brodman, MD, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Science
  • Chair, IT Committee: Robin Ginsberg, MD, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology & Dinesh Kumar Barupal, PhD, Assistant Professor of Environmental Medicine and Public Health
  • Chair, Faculty Wellness Committee: Chantal Pyram, MD, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative & Pain Medicine

Representatives are elected by their departments or institutes to serve on the Faculty Council. Each representative serves for a two-year term and can be re-elected to the role.

 The Faculty Council has four standing committees. All committees report to the Faculty Council. Review the brief summary of each committee's structure, function and charge:

  • The Executive Committee is comprised of the president, the president-elect, the past-president and the chairs of the standing committees of the Faculty Council. The Executive Committee serves as the Council officers who oversee Council agendas, prepares meeting minutes, appoints members to standing committees, receives and considers issues of concern, makes recommendations to the Dean, and transacts general Council business.

  • The Faculty Resources Committee consists of faculty who are broadly representative of the academic departments and institutes; they are appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council and serve three-year, renewable terms. The Faculty Resources Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Faculty Council on both infrastructure and quality of life resources.

  • The Committee on Professionalism consists of faculty who are broadly representative of the academic departments and are appointed for three year, renewable terms. The Committee on Professionalism develops and supports an infrastructure that promotes professional behavior and provides a forum for considering unprofessional behavior allegations about a faculty member made by any faculty member, staff member, or trainee.

  • The Faculty Disciplinary Tribunal consists of members and alternates who are appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council and serve two- or three-year terms. The Tribunal conducts hearings upon the request of faculty who have received disciplinary action, and makes recommendations to the Dean as to whether the disciplinary action is appropriate.

Faculty Council meeting discussions are captured in minutes that are reviewed and approved at the subsequent Council meeting. Approved minutes are posted below for your information.

Approved minutes from prior years’ meetings are posted below for your information.