1. Cohen Center for Recovery from Complex Chronic Illness
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Patient and Provider Resources

Each person with chronic illness experiences unique symptoms and the treatments that work for some individuals will not work for others. Unfortunately, there are no silver bullets or miracle cures that guarantee recovery. Managing chronic illness involves finding the right mix of pacing, medications, supplements, and other supports to manage your symptoms and flare-ups. Make sure to use supplements that have a United States Pharmacopeia (USP) or National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) label, which indicate that it has been tested for quality and contamination. Finding a network of other chronically ill patients or a mental health professional who understands your condition can help validate your experience of chronic illness and help you cope with the changes to your day-to-day life. You can also take an active role in finding new treatments by participating in clinical trials or joining patient advisory committees that help researchers design new trials and treatments.

Provider Resources

The landscape for infection-associated chronic conditions is changing on a daily basis. It is important for health care providers to stay up to date on the latest research and treatment options in order to provide the best care possible. The assessments at the Cohen Center for Recovery from Chronic Illness focus on identifying the underlying pathology and drivers behind a patient’s symptoms.