
Available Positions

Our faculty and staff at the Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences are leading the way in biomedical science and personalized medicine. In addition to the academic and clinical support our faculty and staff receives, you’ll also receive a wide range of personal and professional benefits.

Faculty: RNA/CRISPR therapeutics, Gene therapy, Nanoparticle medicine [Icahn Genomics Institute]
Faculty: Systems Pharmacology [Center for Transformative Disease Modeling]
Faculty: Computational Neuroscience [Center for Transformative Disease Modeling]
Bioinformatician: Statistical Genetics, Next Generation Sequencing Data [Bunyavanich Lab]
Postdoc: Biostatistics/Bioinformatics [Turro Lab]
Postdoc: Cancer Biology, Functional Genomics [Zhang]
Postdoc: Microbiology, Microbial Engineering, Systems Biology [W. Jiang Lab]
Postdoc: Human Genomics of Infection and Immunity [Asgari Lab]
Postdoc: Bioinformatics, Statistical Genetics [Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer’s Disease]
Postdoc: Molecular and Cell Biology [Goate Lab]
Postdoc: Biomedical Data Science, Genomic Medicine, Machine Learning [Pejaver Lab]
Postdoc: Statistical Modeling, Machine Learning, Biomarker Discovery [Peters Lab]
Postdoc: Computational Biology [Bunyavanich Lab]
Postdoc: Long-Read Mapping of Human Epigenome [Fang Lab]
Postdoc: Long-Reads, Alternative Splicing, and Human Diseases [Fang Lab]
Postdoc: Functional Epidemiology, Neuropsychiatric Disorders [Janecka Lab]
Postdoc: Gene Engineering, Next Generatino Gene Therapy [T. Jiang Lab, Icahn Genomics Institute]
Research Assistant I: Genetic Engineering, CRISPR [T. Jiang Lab, Icahn Genomics Institute]
Research Assistant II: Genetic Engineering, CRISPR [T. Jiang Lab, Icahn Genomics Institute]
Lab Manager: Clinical Research [Bunyavanich Lab]