1. General Internal Medicine
Juan Wisnivesky headshot

Message From the Chief

The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai’s Division of General Internal Medicine is strongly committed to caring for the whole patient and places an emphasis on patient-centered care. The division embraces the mission of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai by pursuing an integrated approach to patient care, research, and education. We pursue all dimensions of these three components, considering them inseparable elements of the art and science of medicine.

The Division of General Internal Medicine is conducting research across a broad range of patient and population-based areas spanning hospital, ambulatory care, and home care settings. Our research focuses on five broad areas: Aging and cognition; cancer; substance use disorders and hepatitis C; COVID-19; and chronic illness self-management.

With accessible preventive care and treatment from physicians and staff who understand the social and cultural needs of our community, we are improving the health of all patients.

I encourage you to explore our website and learn for yourself how the intricate links among our patient care, research, and education programs benefit everyone from senior faculty to trainees and patients.

Juan Wisnivesky, MD, DrPH
Drs. Richard and Mortimer Bader Professor of Medicine
Chief of General Internal Medicine