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Fogarty International Program in Research Ethics

The Fogarty International Program in Research Ethics is a NIH-funded collaborative partnership between the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, University of Belgrade School of Medicine, and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Cluj-Napoca, Romania to provide research ethics education in Southeastern Europe.

Biomedical researchers are trusted to understand, endorse, and abide by established standards for the ethical conduct of research. A critical component to ethical integrity involves educating investigators and research review personnel in the ethical standards for the conduct of scientific research. However, this area of study has historically been given low priority in the undergraduate and postgraduate level in many Eastern European countries. Over the past ten years, we have established master’s degree programs at each site and provided research ethics education and mentorship for medical professionals from Serbia, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, the Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, and Montenegro.

Program Leadership

Our program's leadership is drawn from leading bioethicists and researchers and includes educators and professionals from a variety of academic disciplines. The faculty is actively engaged in research, scholarship, and education related to the full spectrum of issues that arise in research ethics.

Rosamond Rhodes, PhD
Rosamond Rhodes, PhD
PROFESSOR | Medical Education
PROFESSOR | Artificial Intelligence and Human Health
Henry Sacks, MD, PhD
Henry Sacks, MD, PhD
PROFESSOR | Medicine, Infectious Diseases
PROFESSOR | Pediatrics
PROFESSOR | Biomathematical Sciences
PROFESSOR | Oncological Sciences
PROFESSOR | Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine
Gary Ostertag, PhD
Gary Ostertag, PhD
PROFESSOR | Medical Education
Daniel A Moros, MD
Daniel A Moros, MD
Teresa Janevic, PhD, MPH
Teresa Janevic, PhD, MPH
ADJUNCT PROFESSOR | Health Care Management