Institute for Medical Education


The Institute for Medical Education provides research funding opportunities for faculty educators and medical students at ISMMS

For Faculty

IME Challenge Grant Program

Fostering the success of our educators includes providing programs that develop and reinforce their scholarship.

To encourage and support scholarship and innovation in medical education, IME funds research projects (grant amounts range up to $10,000) that address important problems or questions facing medical education today. High-quality research proposals on the following topics are strongly encouraged:

  • Innovative curriculum design
  • High quality assessment and evaluation of learners
  • Meaningful program assessment
  • Innovative instructional methodologies or models of learning
  • High quality faculty development
  • Enabling a positive learning environment
  • Questions exploring the “how” and “why” of medical education approaches

Eligibility (subject to change)

  • Applicants must be faculty at the Mount Sinai Health System or affiliate institutions
  • Faculty may submit only one proposal as an applicant. An applicant may serve as a team member on other submissions
  • The proposal is not currently receiving funding from other grants
  • The project must be conducted at the Icahn School of Medicine or at an affiliate institution
  • The project must be completed within 12 months of the project start date

Application and Submission Process

Please complete and submit the following documents to by 5:00pm on Friday, May 31, 2024 (no late applications will be accepted):

  • Narrative Research Proposal Form
  • Chair letter of support: Please ask the Department Chair to write a letter of support referencing the faculty applicant and the project (letter cannot exceed one page with 12-point font, and should be on  letterhead)
  • Your CV (ISMMS format)
  • Budget and justification form (The project budget cannot exceed $10,000.)

For more information about the Challenge Grant Application please see IME – Medical Education Challenge Grant Proposal Request 2024.


Garrett Burnett Headshot

Garrett Burnett
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
Project Title: Mixed Reality for Enhancing Epidural Placement Training for Anesthesia Residents






Jessica Lichter Headshot

Jessica Lichter
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Project Title: ChatMD: A Novel Artificial Intelligence Chatbot to Simulate Code Status Discussions 






Shyam Sundaresh Headshot

Shyam Sundaresh
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Project Title: Patient-Centered Communication in Mental Health: An Internal Medicine Residency Curricular Enhancement






Vinh-Tung Nguyen, MD

Vinh-Tung Nguyen, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Project Title: The Meaning of Words: Understanding the Impact of and Reducing the Use of Negative Patient Descriptors in Clinical Documentation







Erica Brody, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Project Title: Establishing a Longitudinal Well-being Curriculum for Pediatrics Trainees: Applying Positive Medicine, with Lessons from the Mount Sinai PEERS Program






Makini Chisolm-Straker, MD MPH
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Project Title: TRANS ED (TGNB Research Applying Novel Strategies in Education)







Mirna Mohanraj, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Project Title: Fellows as Educators: Harnessing Technology and Asynchronous Online Learning to Pilot a Teaching Scholars Curriculum for Fellows






Chang H Park, MD
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
Project Title: Assessing Impact of Simulation on Resident Comfort and Proficiency Performing Regional Anesthesia







Christopher Strother, MD
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Project Title: A Comparison of Interactive Online Learning and Independent Reading for Emergency Medicine Procedural Skills