1. Research


The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is home to one of the largest psychiatry departments in the nation, with more than 40 laboratories and 130 faculty researchers. Our investigative efforts embody the Department’s deep commitment to transforming the lives of patients through rigorous research, and our laboratories enjoy exceptional institutional support.

Explore Our Labs

Ables Laboratory
Metabolic Psychiatry

Akbarian Laboratory
Epigenetic Regulation of the Human Brain

Bachi Laboratory
Psychosocial Neuroimmune Addiction

Berner Laboratory
Self-Regulatory Control and Eating Disorders

Breen Laboratory
Functional Neurogenomics and Genetics

Buxbaum Laboratory
Biological Causes of Autism

Charney Laboratory
Brain and Data Science

De Rubeis Laboratory
Autism and Intellectual Disability Genetics

De Witte Laboratory
Immunology and Psychiatric Disorders

Dracheva Laboratory
Cell-Type-Specific Epigenetic Regulation

Foss-Feig Laboratory
Sensory and Perceptual Functioning in Autism

Frangou Laboratory
Clinical Neuroimaging Studies

Galynker Laboratory
Suicide Research and Prevention

Goosens Laboratory
Biological Systems in Stress and Disease

Gu Laboratory
Computational Psychiatry

Harony-Nicolas Laboratory
Brain Circuits of Social Behavior

Hazlett Laboratory
Cognitive Psychophysiology

Hildebrandt Laboratory
Eating and Weight Disorders

Hurd Laboratory
Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology

Karki Laboratory
Brain, Vagus, and Mechanisms of Fear and Stress

Kimhy Laboratory
Experimental Psychopathology

Kostic Laboratory
Drug Discovery and Development in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Mahjani Laboratory
Childhood Neuropsychiatric Disorders

Morishita Laboratory
Perceptual and Cognitive Development

Morris Laboratory
Cognitive and High-Resolution Imaging in Psychiatry

Mullins Laboratory
Large-scale Genomic Studies of Psychiatric Disorders

Nestler Laboratory
Molecular Mechanisms of Addiction and Depression

Newcorn Laboratory
ADHD and Translation Studies

Parvaz Laboratory
Motivational and Affective Psychopathology

Perez-Rodriguez Laboratory
Affective and Cognitive Therapeutics

Robakis Laboratory
Molecular Biology and Genetics of Neurodegeneration

Rommel Laboratory
Perinatal and Psychiatric Epidemiology

Roussos Laboratory
Psychiatric Genomics

Russo Laboratory
Neural and Immune Mechanisms of Psychiatric Illness

Schaefer Laboratory
Brain Epigenetics

Schiller Laboratory
Neural Mechanisms in Emotional Control and Flexibility

Siper Laboratory
Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Sensory Processing and Biomarkers

Sweis Laboratory
Dissecting circuits underlying how the brain makes complex decisions in health and disease by applying principles in neuroeconomics translated across species

Szeszko Laboratory
Psychiatry Neuroimaging

Voloudakis Laboratory
From Functional Genomics to Precision Psychiatry

Waters Laboratory
Psychophysiology and Neuromodulation

Yehuda Laboratory
Neuroendocrine, Epigenetic, and Novel Treatments for PTSD