Nephrology - Medicine | Icahn School of Medicine


The Division of Nephrology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is dedicated to the advancement in the knowledge and understanding of renal disease, its development, the progression, treatment, and prevention. We offer a broad array of opportunities for training in clinical nephrology and research.  We have nearly 80 full-time, part-time and voluntary faculty combined, many of whom are nationally and internationally renowned for their research and clinical expertise and are leading experts in renal development, polycystic kidney disease, HIV-associated nephropathy, diabetic renal disease, hypertensive renal disease, gene therapy, transplantation, peritoneal dialysis, and hemodialysis. Research funding for members of the Division of Nephrology is supported by prestigious organizations such as the National Kidney Foundation and the National Institutes of Health. Division trainees are funded at least in part by an NIH Training Grant in the Molecular Basis of Renal Disease with 25 fellows and more than $10 million in research grants.

But our impact is not based solely upon our size or our numbers. We want to be known for our commitment to and our far-reaching effects on every aspect of patient care, research and education. We are proud to play such a critical role within the Mount Sinai Health System.

Within the integrated health system, there are now nine outpatient dialysis units with a capacity of more than 1,000 patients, covering more territory and expanding into all areas of Manhattan, from Clinton to West Harlem, making dialysis more accessible to all its patients. 

The Division of Nephrology is an unparalleled environment to develop the skills necessary to become a leader in clinical nephrology and biomedical research.

APOLLO ribbon logoAPOLLO is a national observational study. The purpose of this study is to test kidney donors and kidney transplant recipients for variants (or forms) of the apolipoprotein L1 gene (called APOL1) to determine whether they impact outcomes. APOLLO will follow individuals who receive a kidney from an eligible (living or deceased) kidney donor. In addition, APOLLO will follow individuals who donate a kidney to assess the impact of the APOL1 gene. This study is being done to improve outcomes after kidney donation and kidney transplantation. APOLLO is coordinated by the Wake Forest School of Medicine and has 13 Network Hubs that will work with all of the transplant programs in the United States, including Puerto Rico. Mount Sinai is one of these 13 network hubs.

Our transplant team is proud to be part of the APOL1 Long-term Kidney Transplantation Outcomes (APOLLO) Network, a national study supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that is working to address racial disparities in kidney transplant outcomes.

The ISMMS Scholars Portal

The ISMMS Scholars Portal is a research information management tool for tracking research metrics and impact.  Scholars Portal helps you to find publications and other kinds of research output, people, projects and grants, research units (departments, institutions, centers), datasets, and research-related activities. Please visit our Scholars Portal website for more details.  You may also use the link below to find out more about this area’s research activities available on the Scholars Portal.

Nephrology on the Icahn School of Medicine Scholars Portal

The research activities in the Division of Nephrology encompass a wide range of topics with the aim of furthering our understanding of the molecular basis of disease, and developing novel therapeutic approaches to treat diseases of the kidney.