Marc and Jennifer Lipschultz Precision Immunology Institute


Beck lab thumbnail

Beck Laboratory

Mechanisms of lesion formation and repair in multiple sclerosis

Bhardwai lab image

Bhardwaj Laboratory

Cancer Vaccines, Innate Immunity & Immunotherapy

Brody lab image

Brody Laboratory

Basic and applied tumor immunology for the development of cancer immunotherapies

Brown lab image

Brown Laboratory

Factors that control immunity and tolerance

Cai lab image

Cai Laboratory

Macrophage-mediated resolution of inflammation in cardiometabolic disease

Chen lab image

Chen Laboratory

Virus host interactions that cause disease in humans

Cho lab image

Cho Laboratory

Genetic and immunologic factors associated with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Chowell lab thumbnail

Chowell Laboratory

Deciphers the molecular determinants of immune recognition, dissects the major contributing factors in cancer development, and predicts responses to cancer immunotherapy.

Clemente lab image

Clemente Laboratory

Understanding the role of the microbiome in immune disorders

Coelho lab thumbnail

Coelho Laboratory

Investigates human B cell responses to vaccines against emerging pathogens

Cunningham-Rundles lab image

Cunningham-Rundles Laboratory

Human immunodeficiency diseases and immuno-reconstitution

Sola lab image

Dominguez-Sola Laboratory

Biology of normal B cells & their cancerous counterparts

Dong Laboratory

Dong Laboratory

Devoted to drug discovery and delivery for the treatment of genetic disorders, infectious diseases, and cancers

edelblum lab thumbnail

Edelblum Laboratory

γδ intraepithelial lymphocyte biology in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Enamorado Lab

Enamorado Laboratory

Neuroimmune regulation of injury and repair at the barrier tissues

Faith lab image

Faith Laboratory

Develops and applies tools to understand interactions between diet, gut microbes and human health

Ferrara lab image

Ferrara Laboratory

Immunobiology of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

FerrariDeAndrade lab thumbnail

Ferrari de Andrade Laboratory

Monoclonal antibodies inhibiting proteolytic cleavage of surface proteins

Gonzales lab

Gonzalez-Kozlova Laboratory

Identification of molecular and cellular mechanisms using Multi-OMICs

Guccione Lab

Guccione Laboratory

Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation mechanisms to identify therapeutic opportunities in oncology

Gulko lab image

Gulko Laboratory

Identifying new genes regulating arthritis severity and joint damage

Gumus lab image

Gümüş Laboratory

Computational cancer genomics

Guttman lab image

Guttman Laboratory

Atopic dermatitis, alopecia areata, and other inflammatory skin diseases

Hambardzumyan lab image

Hambardzumyan Laboratory

Interactions between TAMs with tumor cells and T-cells

Horowitz lab image

Horowitz Laboratory

Human NK cells and T cells and their roles in cancer

DNA image

Jiang Laboratory

Evolving genome editing tools into next-generation gene therapies

Kamphorst lab image

Kamphorst Laboratory

T cell differentiation in cancer and chronic infection

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Kim Laboratory

Allergic and chronic pruritic disorders

Lafaille lab image

Lafaille Laboratory

Mechanisms of B cell memory for allergic responses

Lira lab image

Lira Laboratory

How dysregulation in the immune system contributes to development of disease

Lujambio lab image

Lujambio Laboratory 

Mechanisms of liver cancer initiation and liver cancer maintenance

Luksza lab image

Luksza Laboratory

Understand the evolution of cancer and pathogens

McAlpine lab image

McAlpine Laboratory

Brain-body neuroimmune circuits in inflammation and cardiovascular disease

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Mehandru Laboratory

Biology of mucosal dendritic cells

Merad lab image

Merad Laboratory

Innate immune cells to develop novel therapies against cancer and inflammatory diseases

Shruti Naik Lab

Naik Laboratory

Mechanisms of immune-tissue crosstalk in health and disease

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Poulikakos Laboratory

Growth factor signaling regulation in normal and tumor cells

powell lab thumbnail

Powell Laboratory

The human milk immune response to infection and vaccination, vaccine design aimed to enhance this response, and therapeutic applications of extracted milk sIgA.

Puleston lab photo

Puleston Laboratory

The metabolic basis of immunity and cancer

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Raj Laboratory

Molecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative disorders

Samstein lab thumbnail

Samstein Laboratory

Dissecting the interplay between the immune system and tumor and host genome in the context of DNA repair deficiencies

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Schaefer Laboratory

Epigenetic basis of neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders

schotsaert lab

Schotsaert Laboratory

Investigates host immune responses to vaccines and emerging pathogens

Sun lab image

Sun Laboratory

In vivo immune cell reprogramming, gene editing, metalloimmunotherapy

Swirski lab image

Swirski Laboratory

Innate immunity and inflammation in cardiovascular disease

Tankou lab image

Tankou Laboratory

Gut-derived bacteria that regulate immune function of astrocytes and microglia

Tsankov lab image

Tsankov Laboratory

Uses single cell, spatial, and high-throughput genomic assays to build data-driven, predictive models of lung cancer and respiratory diseases

double helix graphic

Vabret Laboratory

Immunogenicity of Transposable elements

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Yuan Laboratory

Gene regulatory mechanisms in development and diseases

Zamarin Laboratory graphic

Zamarin Laboratory

Oncolytic viruses, T cell immunotherapy, tumor-immune system interactions