1. Integrative Medicine Program
Image of students in class


In partnership with the Institute for Family Health, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai both supports and utilizes research conducted through the Integrative Medicine Program. This research enables us to continually improve patient outcomes while contributing to the general advancement of primary care best practices. Our key research areas include racial and ethnic health disparities, patient-centered care, health information technology, integration of mental health services and primary care, and women’s health.

From designing new technology to creating curricula and competencies, the Institute for Family Health is a national leader in professional development, education, and research that enhances primary care for all patients. Together with Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai's Integrative Medicine Program, the Institute conducts and participates in investigations aimed at understanding and expanding the utilization of integrative practice in health disparity populations.

The Institute of Family Health practice sites, providers, and organizational leaders constitute a research network that is registered with the Agency for Health Care Quality and Research. Within this network, the School supports research that is initiated by individual clinicians, including family practice residents, as well as broader, organizational-level projects implemented across all sites.

In addition, each of our three family medicine residency programs has a required research curriculum through which residents complete research projects under the supervision of a faculty member.

Our research projects have received support from the National Institutes of Health, Agency for Health Care Quality and Research, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health Resources and Services Administration, New York State Department of Health, and a variety of private foundations. Each project is rigorously evaluated, and several have resulted in publication in JAMA, Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, and Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved.

Our Research Team

Raymond Y Teets, MD
Raymond Y Teets, MD
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR | Family Medicine & Community Health
Arya Nielsen, PhD
Arya Nielsen, PhD
ASSISTANT CLINICAL PROFESSOR | Family Medicine & Community Health