Clinical Hospital | Icahn School of Medicine
  1. Division of Hospital Medicine
staff huddle

Clinical Services

The foundation of our hospitalist program is providing outstanding care through fostering connections between our attendings, patients, and families and through innovation to improve the quality and efficiency of care. The tremendous growth of the hospitalist service has been due to the increased need for specialists in hospital medicine as mild manifestations of disease has shifted to the outpatient setting, leaving the most complex and severely ill within the hospital. Caring for today’s hospitalized patients requires a cadre of physicians with extensive expertise and skill, and a dedication to providing the highest level of care in a framework of teamwork. Hospitalists at the Division of Hospital Medicine provide cutting-edge care for large numbers of complex patients across many hospital services.

Hospitalist Programs

Hospital at Home is an innovative program in which eligible patients are able to receive hospital-level care in the comfort of their home. Division of Hospital Medicine attendings are integral to each step of the Hospital at Home process, from screening and admitting patients who are clinically appropriate to providing direct patient care via daily virtual visits. Our faculty work closely with other members of the Hospital at Home team, which includes nurses, care coordinators, patient care navigators, physical therapists, and occupational therapists. Division of Hospital Medicine attendings also supervise Rehabilitation at Home, which provides home-based intensive physical and occupational therapy similar to a subacute rehabilitation center for appropriate patients.

The Medicine Palliative Care team is an embedded team that provides palliative care support and expertise to the General Medicine teams. The team is comprised of a nurse practitioner and social worker in the Division of Hospital Medicine who are trained and specialize in palliative care. Together, they facilitate advanced care planning and goals of care discussions, transition patients to hospice or the Palliative Care Unit, and assist with symptom management. By being embedded in the hospitalist services, this innovative team facilitates prompt assistance in aligning the patient’s goals with their medical care.

A core group of Division of Hospital Medicine hospitalists work closely with the Mount Sinai Health System oncology team to care for patients with active cancer admitted for chemotherapy and/or cancer-related complications. The teams include the Solid Oncology Hospitalist Service for patients with solid tumors and the Heme Malignancy Hospitalist Service for patients with hematological malignancies. Attendings coordinate care with the patient’s primary oncologist, nurse practitioners specially trained in oncology, oncology coordinators, social workers, and our Palliative Care team.

Division of Hospital Medicine hospitalists co-direct The Mount Sinai Hospital’s Preoperative Evaluation and Management Center along with the Department of Anesthesiology. Patients planned for surgery are seen by an interdisciplinary team, including a hospitalist and an anesthesiologist, to ensure a collaborative and evidence-based approach to preoperative care. Hospitalists are also responsible for the education of Internal Medicine residents who regularly rotate through the Preoperative Evaluation and Management Center to learn the intricacies of preoperative management.

The Division of Hospital Medicine provides physician oversight for the Mount Sinai Emergency Department’s observation unit, known as the Rapid Evaluation and Treatment Unit. The Division attending works with physician assistants to care for patients who do not require inpatient admission in a state-of the-art, 20-bed unit. The Rapid Evaluation and Treatment Unit team participates in interdisciplinary rounds with social work and case management teams to provide medical care and observe patients in a highly efficient and patient-centered manner.

The Surgical Co-Management Service is a longstanding clinical program that provides medical care and oversight to complex surgical patients admitted to the Vascular Surgery, Surgical Oncology, and Gender-Affirming Genital Reconstruction Surgery subspecialties. The service includes pre-operative risk assessment and medical optimization of patients, perioperative acute medical management, and complex discharge disposition coordination. A dedicated group of Division of Hospital Medicine attendings with a special interest and expertise in caring for surgical patients rotate through these clinical services and work in close collaboration with the primary surgical teams and the interdisciplinary teams. The co-management faculty are also responsible for educating the surgical residents, medical consult residents, and surgical physicians assistants/nurse practitioners on evidence-based medicine and perioperative care topics. Hospitalist attendings also supervise the Medical Consult Service, working closely with the medical consult resident to staff medical consults and triage intra-hospital transfers.

The Division of Hospital Medicine faculty are the primary clinical and teaching attendings for residents and fellows on the General Medicine wards. Our faculty focus on bedside teaching and evidence-based medicine. Teams consist of second- and third-year residents, interns, third-year medical students, and acting-interns. Attending rounds occur at the bedside each morning. Interdisciplinary rounds take place daily with unit-based staff including social workers, nurses, physical therapists, case managers, and pharmacists. Teams meet throughout the day as needed to discuss patient care and for educational sessions.

Hospitalist attendings work with nurse practitioners and physician assistants to provide care for patients not covered by house staff. Some Attending Directed Service teams include fourth-year medical students and residents on Hospital Medicine electives. Interdisciplinary rounds take place daily with unit-based staff. The service includes a unique High Acuity Attending Directed Service Team that provides care to severely ill patients.