Leadership Messages
Message from the Senior Associate Dean

As Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Well-Being and Development, my goal is to understand and harness the connection between faculty well-being and faculty career development to promote the well-being and professional satisfaction of the Mount Sinai faculty. Our team has created a mission, vision and set of goals for the new Office of Faculty Development that addresses faculty development needs by 1) creating and supporting leadership development opportunities; 2) enhancing career advancement information and programming; and 3) promoting mentoring training and infrastructure within and across departments. I believe strongly that educational programming paired with usable tools and sound infrastructure can help our faculty learn valuable knowledge and skills, harness their passions and reach their goals. With our core partner office, the Office of Well-Being and Resilience, we will utilize strategies to improve and enhance career development, mentorship and leadership skills that will in turn, enhance faculty well-being and professional satisfaction. Through other key collaborations with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Office of Gender Equity in Science and Medicine, and the Institute for Medical Education, we will ensure that diversity, equity and inclusion are core principles that permeate all of the programming we support and provide. We encourage faculty members to reach out with questions and concerns about their professional development and we will do our best to learn about and align our programming with the needs of our faculty. I look forward to our work together!
Lauren Peccoralo, MD, MPH
Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Well-being and Development
Associate Chief Wellness Officer
Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine
Message from the Associate Dean

In my role as Associate Dean for Faculty Career Advancement, I'm deeply committed to fostering an environment where innovation drives faculty career growth. Recognizing the diverse paths that have led us here, we are implementing equitable and inclusive strategies to ensure that everyone has the support needed to thrive. Our programming is being redesigned to be both effective and mindful of the work-life balance essential to our well-being. Together, we'll ensure that every faculty member has the opportunity and resources to excel in their careers.
Neomi Shah, MD, MPH, MSc
Associate Dean for Faculty Career Advancement
System Vice Chair for Faculty Affairs in the Department of Medicine
Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Message from the Director of Mentorship Enrichment

Mentorship plays a critical role in personal and professional development. Mentors have the opportunity to pass on their expertise and skills, serve as role models, address barriers to advancement, and advocate for future leaders in science and medicine. Mentees learn to navigate challenges more effectively, make informed decisions, establish new connections, and more readily attain their full potential. As the Director of Mentorship Enrichment, I am committed to fostering continuous learning and collaboration between faculty across all departments. Our programs aim to improve the mentoring skills of faculty, facilitate the identification of mentor-mentee pairs who are aligned on their needs and expectations, and promote a culture of strong mentorship throughout the Mount Sinai Health System. I look forward to working with all of you.
Ki Ann Goosens, PhD
Director of Mentorship Enrichment
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry