Leadership Development Workshops and Events | Icahn School of Medicine

Leadership Development Workshops and Events

The Icahn School of Medicine Office of Faculty Development (OFD) and Office of Well-being and Resilience (OWBR) believe that collaboration, compassion and strong communication skills are essential for leaders to be effective and supportive of their teams.  These skills can enhance your and your team’s well-being and professional fulfillment. We host, support and endorse a series of events and workshops for faculty to learn and practice new skills for leadership. We offer these periodic workshops on various topics—and are always interested in your suggestions. Please email OFD@mssm.edu to let us know what leadership development topics we can help you with.

This program offered twice per year provides an opportunity free of charge to enhance leadership skills and improve well-being of teams. Cosponsored by the OWBR, OFD, Talent Development and Learning, Mount Sinai Doctors Faculty Practice and the Office of Execellence in Patient Care, these sessions are designed as one-hour interactive Zoom meetings with opportunities for small group discussion or practice. These courses may also be offered to individual groups upon request by emailing OFD@mssm.edu. Registration is available through PEAK approximately 8 weeks before the sessions begin, and you can subscribe for announcements of upcoming sessions through this form. Read more about the individual workshops below:

  1. PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY TO CREATE TRUSTING & ENGAGED TEAMS: The principles and tools demonstrated in this session will enable leaders to create a space in which team members feel safe to speak up and contribute, which in turn will promote optimal team functioning, innovation, and learning.
  2. COACHING FOR GROWTH: Leaders will learn tangible tools for coaching team members such as asking curious questions and listening to guide goal attainment and problem-solving which can help team members find their passions, develop their skills and advance their careers.
  3. GIVING EFFECTIVE FEEDBACK TO ENHANCE TEAM SUCCESS: Participants will develop feedback delivery skills that build on learner's and team member's self-assessment to guide them towards improvement. We provide a simple framework for delivering reinforcing and constructive feedback and guidance for enhancing motivation and taking constructive feedback to the next level.
  4. NAVIGATING CHALLENGING CONVERSATIONS: Leaders will learn strategies and tools to develop comfort and competence in handling the most difficult and often most important conversations, specifically during conflict and with differing opinions. These tools will help participants find the best path forward with colleagues (and family and friends).
  5. LEVELLING UP PRAISE AND APPRECIATION: This session addresses strategies to identify praiseworthy and prideworthy moments and show appreciation to colleagues with authenticity and regularity to improve well-being and sense of value at work.
  6. WELL-BEING-CENTERED TEAM COMMUNICATION: Participants will utilize a framework and tips for communicating with teams in a caring, effective manner in order to promote team engagement & professional satisfaction. The focus is on email communication but also touches on optimizing meetings via purposeful agenda setting & encouraging full team participation.
  7. MICROAGGRESSIONS 101: A HOW- TO GUIDE FOR LEADERS: Leaders will understand what microaggressions are, how/why they arise, and their impact on staff & colleagues who experience them. Participants will also learn how to respond to microaggressions with the ACTION framework as well as about Mount Sinai's policies around mistreatment by patients & visitors.
  8. STRESS MANAGEMENT FOR LEADERS: Participants will learn to differentiate among the four states of the stress continuum model and gain insight into tools such as cognitive reframing, practicing realistic optimism, and daily gratitude.

Other Leadership Development Programs at Mount Sinai

Leadership Emerging in Academic Departments (LEAD) Program

Sponsored by ConduiTS

The curriculum of this 12-month program includes modules in self-discovery, communication, influence, negotiation, difficult conversations, inspiring trust, and embracing diversity. The program is comprised of monthly workshops, supplemented by online videos and resources, personal and peer coaching, and a leadership-focused capstone project.
Talent Development and Leadership Courses This office offers a wide range courses and programs centered on improving the patient experience, strengthening leadership capacity, and enhancing staff engagement. When connected to Mount Sinai internet, browse the overview page and course listing.
Master of Healthcare Administration This formal degree program is designed for experienced health care professionals to help them better manage and lead health care delivery organizations, drive change, solve complex problems, and create dynamic new approaches that will improve the quality, value, and cost of patient care.

Mount Sinai Health Network and Downtown Physician Leadership Academy

Cosponsored by the Mount Sinai Health Network, Mount Sinai Doctors, the Office of Excellence in Patient Care, and Talent Development and Learning  

This program provides foundational role and leadership training for medical directors and high-performing physician leaders of ambulatory practices aligned to the Mount Sinai Health Network and Mount Sinai Doctors. It includes personal leadership development courses such as building trust, influence, navigating conflict and challenging conversations, coaching and feedback, and goal-setting. Once participants complete the foundational work, they can embark upon strategic projects aligned to the organization’s priorities, enabling hands-on learning and the opportunity to help drive positive change.  

External Leadership Training Opportunities

We can also direct you toward well-regarded external programs in leadership development, including: