Mentorship Enrichment

Cultivating mentoring relationships is crucial to career growth and professional fulfillment. The Office of Faculty Development (OFD) strives to maintain a culture that actively encourages mentorship and continuously enhances mentor and mentee skills for all faculty. We create and sponsor programs to encourage high-quality, equity-focused mentoring relationships. 

At the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, we provide both mentors and mentees with tools and strategies to create and sustain thriving mentoring relationships throughout their career stages.

  • Mentoring Training
    Twice per year, we offer a 4-part workshop called Mentorship for Mutual Success: Strategies for Mentoring Excellence in Science. It consists of four 90-minute live sessions based, in part, on an empirically tested mentoring curriculum developed by the acclaimed Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mentor training is required of all faculty who mentor trainees in the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, as well as many training grants. If you are submitting a grant and would like to mention this training program, please use the language we developed with GCO available here.
  • Mentoring Leaders
    Many department Chairs have appointed a Mentoring Leader. These leaders meet 3 times a year to learn about the best practices for departments to develop and maintain strong mentorship amongst faculty.
  • Mentorship Resources
    Which includes individual development plans and tools for improving your relationships with your mentees.

You can keep up to date on all our events and new resources by subscribing to our email list.